English Title: Life on the Line Chinese Title: 跳躍生命線 Genre: Modern/Health Producer: Fong Chun Chiu Episodes: 25 Cast: Joe Ma Moon Lau Matthew Ho Jeannie Chan Ali Lee (Guest Star) Joey Law Kelly Cheung Arnonld Kwok Bob Cheung Synopsis: Ever since his wife CHEUNG WAI-SUM (Ali Lee) was killed by a drunk driver, Principal Ambulanceman MAK CHAY-TIN (Joe Ma) has been living together with his only daughter LOK-YEE, older sister OI-FA (Pinky Cheung) and sister-in-law CHEUNG HO-KEI (Moon Lau). The loss of his wife makes CHAY-TIN hate those rule-breakers and any reckless behaviors. At work, he is stern about everything! His new subordinate CHEUK KA-KIT (Matthew Ho) acts on impulse, and conflict often ensues as a result. Moreover, as a perfectionist, their new superior Probationary Ambulance Officer TAM KA-CHUN (Joey Law) constantly picks on KA-KIT, adding extra pressure to their teammates. Caught in the middle, CHAY-TIN works relentlessly to bridge the differences between them in an effort to promote a spirit of teamwork, cultivating an elite rescue unit to save more lives when facing a variety of challenges…… Airing October 8th replacing Story of Yanxi Palace 延禧攻略
Most realistic dramatization? Spinning the IO drill before using it; everybody does that, LOL... But, damn... they have to draw up their own epi from ampules? Like... WTF?
already like the show more than "the stunt" didn't know EMT training was this hard similar to cops/fire fighter
I actually quite like this show so far, I'm just a sucker for medical and teamwork related shows. However with that said, I am unsure if they are really trained to that level. I have a few friends who are EMTs and Firemen and their training are different, the training to become a firemen is much more difficult, strict and "bias" vs the training to become an EMT, so I am unsure why the show is portraying it's the same, unless Hong Kong uses a different system or the show is dramatizing the field
You might find this of interest; watch the video there on the page. This is the FDNY EMT requirement. It goes through their physical testing. Also, it seems that a candidate must already have their EMT certificate before being put on the list to be hired by NYC. http://www.joinfdny.com/careers/ems/
thanks! my friend is probably using this reference https://www.mass.gov/service-details/learn-about-initial-training-requirements-for-ems-personnel I helped my friend passed his test a couple months ago, but I'm still not that familiar with our system. I know he wants to be a firemen but he's already considered overage and doesn't meet some of the requirements
Thanks for your response. Given that both NY State and Mass, has similar requirements, I would think that the majority of the US is likely the same; that prehospital type personnel get their training in relatively less physical settings than fire personnel. That is, unless they were firemen first, that were then cross trained as EMTs. I too, had tried out for the fire department right after I'd gotten out of the military. I was in great shape at the time. I trained further for almost six months and I'd gotten a pretty good score on that physical, but the overall test was later thrown out because of a lawsuit by blacks and hispanics, complaining that the test was not fair to them. When the test came around again several years later, I was already doing something else so I missed out on it.
thanks for serving! all my friend told me was he's already at a disadvantage because most fire departments prefer those under 30 and have had military backgrounds which both he does not meet, he said he'd be lucky if he can get a position at a smaller town but even that is unlikely. He still wants to be an EMT though. He's giving up a high paying office job to get his hands very dirty, i think it's very noble and worth respecting, but it will be a significant salary decrease for him
First drama I’ve watched in ages, Watched 3 eps back to back ~ it’s refreshing although i don’t recognise half the faces lol I like watching Joe Ma
Lol! With 100% accuracy, I do recognise him haha I recognise some of the older casts and you guy’s favourite girl Ali lee. Some faces I know but I dunno their names
Dammit... I was pissed. Bob Cheung Yin Pok, He was a great supporting character... Can't believe he's already riding the big ambulance in the sky...
Episode 20-21 was too emotional for me... man I’m crying my eyes out, my heart hurts, can’t breathe the nose is running... lord the full works. Jeeze..... this drama