Upcoming TVB Series (Pics & Clips)

Discussion in 'Chinese Drama Discussion' started by SUSIE-DANG-1988, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. new visuals (FILMART 2018)

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  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    No idea of the last 2 poster and what the series is.

    But Life On The Line poster is most interesting in terms of design, looks like the viewer is the one needing help from the medics
  3. last three are not filmed yet they dont even have confirmed actors i dont think (no names on poster hah!)
  4. Fa la

    Fa la Active Member

    wow so many good drama coming from TVB, happy to see this coming. Thanks TVB and friends here for sharing the good post and poster. cheers !
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  5. new visuals 2019 Sales Presentation

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  6. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Seem like they gonna be pushing Owen.

    And wtf is that last poster :kelefe:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. lol it is variety show I think
  8. wish TVB went back to making ancient series kung drama! :shino:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. the last one was sooo pathetic lol 'Birth of a Hero' dumb comedy they give up on that genre they just air mainalnd kung fu instead haha!
  10. Trailers!

    Big White Duel - 白色强人

    Killer - 杀手

    Agent c9 - C9特工

    The Solvers - 解决师

    Wonder Women - 多功能老婆

    Justice Bao: The First Year - 包青天再起风云

    The Defected - 铁探

    Finding Her Voice - 牛下女高音

    Golden Building - 金宵大厦

    Airport Security Unit - 机场特警

    十八年后的终极告白 (no eng title yet)

    街坊财爷 (no eng title yet)

    TVB Varieties
  11. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Is it me or does every drama looks better visually? I don't think any drama since My Fair Lady looked as good as these trailers.

    十八年后的终极告白 is the one that I look forward to the most for now.
  12. Filmart 2019


  13. he wasted no time LF back for LW3!
  14. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    too bad FH4 isnt the original cast or story
  15. why do you say that? you know which stories willl be in it?
  16. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Whoa there's a sequel to Fist within Four walls? I'm guessing as usual not a direct sequel to it though :(? And what Bobby series is that, looks good. shinobi Not all the 2019 series that has posters here have been released have they?
  17. some shows were postponed like the police ones couldn't air during the protests so they are behind schedule right now ....FH4 originally for 2019
    those two shows you mentioned haven't aired yet
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
  18. [​IMG]
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