English Title: Airport Strikers Chinese Title: 機場特警 Genre: Modern Producer: Andy Chan Episodes: 25 Cast: Owen Cheung Matt Yeung Sisley Choi Roxanne Tong Eddie Kwan Gloria Tang Hugo Wong Synopsis: Fresh-faced police officers Cheung King-san (Owen Cheung), San Hoi-ching (Sisley Choy), Ho Si-wa (Gloria Tang) and Wu Kwun-chung (Brian Chu) apply to join Airport Security Unit (ASU) due to different reasons. The quartet manage to survive drillmaster Man Wing-keung’s (Eddie Kwan) boot camp and become ASU officers after graduation. King-san and ASU CIP Cheung Chun-hak (Hugo Wong) just keep antagonizing each other. Sergeant Ma Yung-yi (Mat Yeung) often plays the role of mediator between the duo as he understands they cannot stand each other. King-san encounters air hostess Yu On-na (Roxanne Tong). They readily become lovers, but they have trouble getting along. King-san gradually has some kind of subtle feelings for his female colleague Hoi-ching. While on duty, they witness scenes of joy, sadness, reunion and separation. They also get involved in near-death situations. They eventually understand the true meaning of the mission of ASU. However, disaster is looming, causing the team to become embroiled in an unprecedented predicament. Airing March 30th replacing Forensic Heroes IV 法證先鋒IV
Ep 1 22m10s - 24m54s - is that suppose to be jogging scene or Mr Universe scene? Felt more like providing opportunity for the actors to flex their hard-earned muscles to me.
It's an old drama that stored in the shelf for a while. You can tell by how many people are in the airport
Lol, the script writer plays Counter Strike or something, talked about GLOCK bullets can be used on MP5
I knew about her (follow her IG), totally did not recognized her from the scene with easy tho, I thought it was a random mainland actress.
her look lol if you didnt know lisa chong and matt are dating in real life makes this scene even more funny alot of regine today
Will get to this drama soon (probably in 1 year plus lmao) but seen some clips. I did notice Regina right away and I thought 'oh shit she finally in a drama after winning years ago'. Regarding drama being shelved, I swear this was in the presentation for 2019 maybe? If it was, it probably got shelved even longer due to the protest.