English Title: Life After Death Chinese Title: 那些我愛過的人 Genre: Modern Producer: Kwan Shu-ming, Kwan Man-sum Episodes: 25 Cast: Frankie Lam Priscilla Wong Shiga Lin Mark Ma Yoyo Chen James Ng Synopsis: Rewind seven years and two families are ruined due to a serious traffic accident, causing destinies of Keung Yuk-shing (Frankie Lam) and Fong Lok-man (Priscilla Wong) to be rewritten. Fast-forward seven years and because of a traffic accident, Yuk-shing runs into Lok-man again. Life is still filled with ups and downs. Lok-man and her younger sister Fong Shu-man (Shiga Lin) do not get along like they used to as people close to them are leaving one after another. An eccentric doctor by the name of Koo Hei-san (Mark Ma) unexpectedly manages to get to the bottom of the problem. Lok-man is busily looking after her daughter Chu Hang-yee and stepson Chu Ka-bing (Zeno Koo). Yuk-shing, on the other hand, never understands the needs of his only daughter Keung Tsz-yau (Chloe So). Fate brings Tsz-yau and Ka-bing together. Their mutual friend Mok Yu-him (Kyle Li) comes across even more problems because of their relationship, which also causes the truth about a traffic accident that took place all those years ago to gradually surface. The chums even have to prepare for change again. Airing June 8th replacing The Exorcist's 2nd Meter 降魔的2.0
How long was this series shelved for....And 25 episodes of this, hope it's decently good, and Shiga is in it, haven't seen her in a while.
Many know Shiga for songs and movies but I think this is her first tvb show Also sitcom guy 'Bok See' big role here Jeff This show looks bore to me though...hope I am wrong
Didn't bother watching this one. everyone is already married and old, not to mention the trailer doesn't look that appealing.
Yeah she does Maybe this is how they're enticing people to watch this show...Dang just saw that her and Vincent maybe having marital issues. I hope not, they're a cute couple. Then again just read that Vincent is a player...
I’m actually enjoying this one. Storyline so far is interesting enough...Mark Ma doing a great job portraying someone with ASD. And the beginning of episode 4 made me laugh so hard! Will continue to watch... give it a few more episodes.
Haha of course you’d like her character! Lol yeah, it’s kinda slow..... And getting more boring...the whole insurance scandal thing they are hinting about is making me not wanna watch anymore... but I like watching Frankie. Old but he still gots it lol.