English Title: Death By Zero Chinese Title: 殺手 Genre: Modern Producer: Joe Chan Episodes: 30 Cast: Moses Chan Wayne Lai Ali Lee Elena Kong Katy Kung Samantha Ko Synopsis: This story about assassins takes place in a fanciful world. Yim Mo (Wayne Lai), who used to have a prestigious nickname “Yama”, has caused his family to break up with fatal consequences due to his blunder. He ends up as a mediocre killer. He has facilitated the emergence of a formidable hitman called Kiu Sing (Moses Chan), aka “Zero”. However, the duo’s destinies are rewritten because of a Taiwanese tycoon called Or Ching-hung. Yim Mo counts himself lucky as his buddy Yiu Suk-han (Elena Kong), who is a hooker by profession, manages to bridge the communication gap between him and his daughter Yim So-chi (Louisa Mak). Unfortunately, Yim Mo’s life has become very difficult as an eccentric female assassin called Yik Lan (Katy Kung) keeps clinging to him. Kiu Sing opens a cafe as a decoy and hires a single mother called Chin Heung-sin (Ali Lee). He also has a crush on Lam Sum-sum (Samantha Ko), who is a temple keeper with a mysterious background. Yim Mo and Kiu Sing are forced to engage each other in a duel as Assassin Hunter shows up. Airing June 29th replacing Flying Tigers 2
dont know why it looks like 'Ages Apart" big cast comedy even though its about assassins/killers I hope it's ah Mo and Ali pair again they have good chemistry
no comments yet? I'll start...Wayne definitely funny! but the story is abit unrealistic they go around killing ppl with no consequences? no law? but other than that it's entertaining the intro so badass lol WW3 :
yeah, it's definitely Mo and Ali giving off that vibe. 30 Eps, I just hope it doesn't flop out half way like the usual tvb series.
dang, i thought karman's dad was gonna be a boss fight or something... he got received skin so easily
they stop showing dark angel wth? was looking forward to her background story and why she loves trunks lol
Dang ...I take that back....eric62451 found this for you lol. Now that’s dedication for a role! https://hk.finance.yahoo.com/news/黎耀祥操肌殺手轉行打拳-214500301.html
I hope this drama doesnt end with the police arresting everyone kinda of BS... if you create a world a world like this, it better not end with police bringing justice BS
Starting to watch this, love how they have Samantha showing off her belly My thoughts exactly as Mo and Ali's chemistry seems to be exactly as Ages Apart.
Really, I love this drama it's hilarious.....Mo cracks me up... Forgot to add that I'm sure she'll be back, only half way into this series, she'll probably be there ace up their sleeves for Mo and Wayne for some major baddy fight at the end...