English Title: On-Lie Game Chinese Title: 迷網 Genre: Modern Producer: Simon Wong Episodes: 25 Cast: Matt Yeung Samantha Ko David Chiang Hera Chan Stephen Wong Brian Chu Synopsis: Cyber Security & Technology Crime Bureau Senior Inspector Szeto Chung (Mat Yeung) is a mentor to and also a friend of Inspector Siu Mei-ting (Hera Chan) in the workplace. They have unraveled all kinds of phone, online and tech scams. While Szeto Chung is investigating an online dating case, he runs into his ex-girlfriend Cheung Wai (Samantha Ko) again. Love between Szeto Chung and Cheung Wai is rekindled as Cheung Wai happens to have broken up with her husband Shum Chi-ho (Stephen Wong). And then Mei-ting feels perturbed as she has mistakenly caused her family members to fall for a money scam. Fortunately, with Szeto Chung’s encouragement, she picks herself up and starts from scratch. Meanwhile, London Gold fraud is causing havoc in the city. Danger is lurking everywhere as Chi-ho and Cheung Wai are also involved. These scams are actually under the control of some powerful syndicate. The mastermind is also some crook who has scammed Mei-ting’s family members. Szeto Chung and Mei-ting have formed an alliance that is determined to bring the scammers to justice. Airing July 13th replacing Life After Death 那些我愛過的人
ehh the Viu shows right nnow are more interesting (Who sells Bricks and and White War) should start some threads to discuss viu shows
I was wondering when you were going to do that!!! Gah I've been waiting Been discussing them on the dl thread haha. We're down with competition aren't we
on episode 14, the mom reported her son to the police. I believe this is not practical or real. I don't think any parent would want to get their kids in jail. If I have kids, I don't care how bad they are I will support them regardless. This is more real. If you ask anyone, you probably get the same answer as mine.
the show is very boring lol i give up the four eyes kid and his friend scirpt writer who gave these amateurs screen time
It really depends on how bad the kid is and the crime they're doing IMO. If they're a mass murderer or do physical harm to folks, then I would think a parent would report them...Because you're/they're kid is causing innocent harm to folks...but if they're just doing some petty ish then yeah I probably wouldn't...I haven't seen this series though, so not sure what the crime was committed here.