PopularAsians - Well.. i hate it. I will never go back there

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by mytlcs, May 5, 2016.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    Give me a break hadouken. Don't pretend that my decision to move to Dramasian was out of the blue. First of all, you were zero help and contributed absolutely nothing to PA for years, the only thing you cared about was ad money. You suddenly decided to not pay for the server and forced me to pay for it and no it was not just $350. When I got fed up and removed your ads and put my own ads to fund the server costs, you started giving me shit for it. Then this whole argument started, all the years of resentment came out. You were mad at me for not giving you part ownership of Pserve and whatever money I was making. Do you realize you already put no work on PA and did nothing to help me with Pserve? When I came up with the idea and mentioned it to you, you brushed me off too and yet during that argument you had the balls to say you wanted 50% ownership? Just because the domain PopularAsians was under your name, you used that as leverage against me. How much of a leech can you be? All of that led to the talk of splitting, you were aware it was gonna happen.

    Stop pretending the ads couldn't pay for the servers. From the short time I had my ads up, I was surprised at how much money the ads were bringing in. I'm not gonna say what you spent all that ad money on, I think we both know. You were irresponsible with the server funds, lazy and a leech. The current status of PA is evidence of this and it looks like you haven't changed after all these years. The current state of PA is a fucking huge disappointment, you could have grown it but like the years before you did absolutely nothing with it.

    ps. Pserve initially did make money, but all those funds have already gone back into Pserve. After all donations, I still have to cover a portion out of pocket. Are you happy now?
    • Like Like x 1
  2. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    I just realized you said the argument never happened? Did you smoke so much fucking pot your memory is gone?
  3. Hadouken2

    Hadouken2 Member

    good lord are u the one to smoke pot replying 9-10 days later or did u just need time to think about an alibi now?... i mean think about it folks.. you wake up one day to see your site stolen.. and this person is calling you crazy.. u can thank DragonLoaded>Shinobi>Me for actually making the site popular the first 2-3 years while you were too busy at school.. u come back and started doing private servers like u were actually here all that time...i stopped uploading because i didn't want u conflicting with me uploading against ur private server.. i was a good friend not greedy like you... FYI we actually had a job most of those years...i knew BLEE well like a brother...he never had a job.. he was actually living off PSERVE now DSERVE or whatever its called and still probably is in order for him to do what he did... i just feel just really sorry for the other half of regular members of the site who let me know they are never coming back because of this.. this greedy sob needed me out of the picture so he could do whatever he wanted with the private servers.. Think about it... you wake up one day and someone stolen your site when you trusted them like a brother... i mean how else would he be able to do it unless u trusted him like a brother? swear it upon my family.. something he can't do.
  4. Hadouken2

    Hadouken2 Member

    or wait.. something he can't remember because he believes his actual comments i actually believe he believes his own lies in order to justify what he did.. living in denial to make himself less of a victim or he's afraid to lose people to help him post content or pay for his private servers.. yea that sums up what im pretty sure hes afraid of since i know him so well.. but apparently not since i trusted him this much.. just really irks and pisses me off that hes playing himself off as a victim since i know all the behind the scenes bullshit hes been doing.
  5. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    I initially wrote a long ass post but what's the fucking point. I'll leave your bullshit sob story on here, people can believe it if they choose to. I don't give a shit. Hadouken, you can get the fuck off DA.
  6. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    i'm with b-lee on this one. but hey......this drama is better than the current tvb series!
  7. Remywalker

    Remywalker Well-Known Member

    Dai gah, ngak ngak sau, jo gor ho pung yau.

    ic28, so that's the name of that website, was trying to remember it for the longest time. That's the one with so many part files just for one episode and if i remember correctly they used a program called hjsplit to join the files. I think there was another site before ic28, had this huge chat box and so many people were talking on it. And the most popular person on ic28 was this girl named ic28babe or something. Back then people were still renting VHS tapes, think about that...
    #47 Remywalker, Aug 10, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
  8. skitlez

    skitlez Active Member

    i just want to thank everyone for all their hard work!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. dl_ca

    dl_ca Member

    Oh man, ic28. That's long time ago. I think I was downloading with 14.4 modem. :D
  10. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    good old days. now everyone seems to be gone
  11. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    Hi Dramasian, long time.
    OK.... my first comment should be here after being absent for a few years..... joined PA in 2005 I think... did few series on megaupload...blah blah blah.... its been so long since I posted something. How everyone have moved I thought and this thread really get me interested again in here
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Join us in the shoutbox/chatbox or Discord! :)
  13. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Wow damnn that was a good read... Made a write a comment.. lol

    Gwad damnn I wanted to check out Popularasian.. it doesnt even load...
    #53 AC0110, Dec 24, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  14. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    I believe you can still visit popularasians website
  15. wayne ai

    wayne ai New Member

    wow.. Have been a member since 2007, never knew there was a backstory on the site switching. Out of the blue the site has been redirected to dramasian.