
Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by KilaKilaGirl, Apr 24, 2021.

  1. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    Just curious if anyone got their vaccine shot or not.
    #1 KilaKilaGirl, Apr 24, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2021
    • I was wondering about that too I was wondering about that too x 1
  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Canadian.. still waiting for my shot.

    "Essential workers and age prioritization". I get the age prioritization but they say I'm essential in March 2020 and one year later we're nowhere on the essential worker list to get vaccinated. Same thing for jobs like grocery workers, they should've been the first to get the shot right after health care workers.

    They say every individual can book a shot starting May 24th.. but by the time the shot is in the arm and the effects kicks in.. might be by the end of June already.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    i'm vaccinated
    • Win! Win! x 1
  4. Any side effects :fear:
  5. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    my first shot just arm pain....
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. noob_xiang

    noob_xiang New Member

    I am Malaysian in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Took my 2nd jab on 24th April, Sinopharm. So far so good, just a little numb on the injected area for few hours after jab.
    Other people side effect are mild, just need to have good rest after getting injection.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    no. just sore arm for about 2 days
  8. lahn doe

    lahn doe Well-Known Member

    Got my second shot this week - Pfizer. Only the usual soreness around where the needle went in. I'd have preferred not to get it. I bit the bullet for the sake of family, friends, and society. A co worker of mines got a slight fever after her second shot. I am guessing she is in her early 40s. An older relative felt pain throughout her whole body after her first and second shot.
  9. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    Just giving you guys another heads up. We might need to get another shot, a booster shot later this year.
  10. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Got Moderna on the 20th. Booking site was pfizer or moderna and when I sat down the nurse said it was moderna.

    Sore arm next day like couldn't go above shoulder height and reduced grip strength. No fevers or anything, but had a small headache like 2 days after which I can't pinpoint it was due to the vaccine.
  11. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Got pfizer, no real issues except second shot which I prepared for, was out of it in the morning, took an afternoon nap, and felt a lot better. I drank up the fluids too, the day I got the second shot. Obviously different strokes for different folks. Also can't believe how slow Canada is getting the vaccine, why is that? Heck US supposedly has so many and is wasting them as there's not enough people wanting to get it.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. megazone23

    megazone23 Well-Known Member

    Canada here too. Got my first dose with pfizer and didn't have any side effects except for a sore arm for a day or two. Things are finally starting to move here but it's still going to be a while probably until I get my second dose. But at least restaurants and stuff are opening back up again. Feel bad for the businesses =(

    They're apparently going ahead with extending the expiration dates of some of the AstraZeneca shots in Ontario. I'm no medical expert and I'm not in Ontario but that just doesn't seem right giving doses that are supposedly expired. But then again it didn't quite seem right that Canada was ok-ing having a gap of 4 months between first and second doses when the manufacturers were saying that's not a good idea. I guess we do things differently in Canada, lol. I miss normal life
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    At least they're pushing up the dates for the second doses now! I feel like Doug Ford's plan is to underpromise overdeliver lol

    But the AZ shots expiration, it's probably wise for them to make an "early" expiration date to protect their asses in case anything goes wrong. But apparently they did more research saying the expiration goes far beyond what they have originally made it. And then there was more case studies where actually having 12 weeks in between shots is more effective than 2 weeks. Manufacture only probably said 2 weeks in their clinical trials because it infeed boosts the immunity, and it's the quickest way to get the trial approved. Imagine having to wait 12 weeks for 3 stages of clinical trials, it would delay the vaccine rollout by months.

    It's probably the truth that the real world vaccine rollout is also the 4th stage clinical trial. It works, but no one will know the long term side effects yet. You have to self assess the risk of the vaccine whether it's short term or the unknown long term, vs the risk of covid whether it's death, flu like symptoms, or long term like reported lung capacity decrease.

    Now that Canada has approved vaccine mixing.. I don't know if I still want Moderna as my 2nd shot or pfizer. Lots more supply for pfizer that's for sure
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Whoa, you guys are mixing the second shots?? Not sure if that's sound but ok....IMO I would pick the second shot to be the exact same as the first one...

    Any anti vacciers here :p ? Just curious no judgement, tbh if I didn't go on a trip recently I would have waited it out...
  15. zylo

    zylo Well-Known Member

    Got pfizer first shot. only arm pain at the injection site. my collegue got the same shot. lost all his appetite for about 10 days.
    after hearing about the astra zenica side effects. im glad i wasnt offered it
    #15 zylo, Jun 6, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2021
  16. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Well they approved that we can mix shots. Personally I don't know if I will but Moderna and Pfizer are similar enough. I will wait for others to mix first ahaha
  17. mytlcs

    mytlcs Well-Known Member

    Just my opinion.
    Do you risk your life on what the gov wants you to do and decide whats good for you?

    Normally the vaccine takes years going thru many tests before its ok.
    This is rushed and do you believe the excuse for the invasion of iraq for weapons of mass destruction?

    There are news of them now experimenting mixing the doses, tweaking how many follow up dosages or when to get next dosages. I get the impression they are still trialing and we are guinea pigs.

    there is news even if you got both or three dosage shots. you are still possible to get infected with covid 19.
    there was a news article of two guys with multiple dosages. one went to india. got infected and died.
    2nd one play hockey and still got infected.

    Where is the confidence if they don't know how long the 2nd dosage is effective for. they questioning having 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc dosages.

    This is too big. No entity will come out and report any negative news. No gov will admit they are wrong.

    Similar plaque like this happen in the past. In a controlled fashion and isolation. we survived this...

    No one learned from the past and do this properly. you can see how bad this have changed the world with can't come out. stay 6 feet apart. one one or two in elevator. dining in restaurant can't sit more than 6 people.
    wear mask. etc... you get the picture.

    There is plenty of information on how these vaccines have been created and how they work. If you care to understand then I strongly suggest watching and absorbing the information in these two following videos:

    These two videos break down exactly what is happening on a cellular level.
  19. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I got 2 shots of Moderna, I don't think I would be comfortable with doing Moderna-Pfizer to be honest. Luckily at the time they were saving Pfizer for 12-18 year olds and doing Moderna for all 18+. I know many people walked away at the door not wanting to mix vaccine, which is fine.

    But I knew taking the vaccine that it wasn't 100% at preventing covid. I know you can still get infected, but that wasn't the point of the vaccine. It was to prevent death and hospitalization, but again nothing is 100%. But look at the numbers, it clearly works when preventing death. I also knew that no one knows the long term effect of the vaccine. You can argue that the odds are probably with you with surviving covid, but we've hear many stories how a healthy individual still loses the fight against covid.

    Booster shots every year? Sounds just like the flu shot. Although I have to agree the side effects of the vaccine wasn't very fun. To be honest with you, I'm not sure if I'll be getting booster shots every year if required. But just to get over the urgent times now, I did my part to get my 2 shots.
    • Win! Win! x 1
  20. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    let's be frank. I did take the Pfizer shots. Not sure what my long-term side effect is but after I got my second shot. My face got some redness spots here and there and some parts of my body as well. At first, I thought it would have gone away in a couple of days but it prolonged to months and still no change. At that time, the redness caused my skin to flake. I went to the hospital and the doctors prescribed all types of medications remedies for me to use. (I had to drive to the different hospitals to find the answer) long story short, it took me weeks to heal. They claimed that it has nothing to do with the vaccine..... :sweat: