Jackie Chan recently revealed that he is now in talks to be starring in the fourth instalment of his hit Hollywood title, "Rush Hour". The actor shared as much when he appeared at the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he spoke about his upcoming projects to his fans. "We're talking about Rush Hour 4 right now," he said. It's been a while since anybody spoke about the fourth instalment. It was back in 2018 that co-star Chris Tucker stated that the fourth movie was underway. The first "Rush Hour" made a total of USD 244 million at the box office when it was released in 1998, making Chan a household name in Hollywood. Its sequel, "Rush Hour 2" was released in 2001, followed by 2007's "Rush Hour 3". credits: yahoo
As much as I want to see this, overly racially sensitive woke warriors will probably prevent them from leaving in of any funny jokes that were OK 20 years ago. The loose jabs at each others culture was what made these films funny.
15 years later for the 4th one is pretty long wait. I wonder if Jackie and Chris still got the energy to do all those stun moves
Jackie probably does, but Chris not sure... https://www.indiewire.com/2019/04/jackie-chan-chris-tucker-reunite-rush-hour-4-rumors-1202056831/ Agree to this, with folks being overly sensitive per se, with BLM and Asians getting racist on because of covid...Wonder what jokes they would have in this without causing an uproar...Heck would China even allow allow this to air in mainland...even though Jackie is a...