English Title: Mission Run Chinese Title: 廉政狙击 Genre: Action, Mystery, Drama Episodes: 27 Cast: Nancy Wu Bosco Wong Mandy Wong Ron Ng Vincent Wong Synopsis: “Mission Run – 廉政狙击” is about friends who lived in the same tenement house when they were young, but because the tenement building collapsed, everyone was separated and they met again more than 10 years later. 故事讲述五位主角儿时因意外失散,长大后在执行任务期间重遇。身份悬殊的各人在怀缅过去时,亦秉持公义执行职务,并在友谊与公义之间挣扎。
Funny how FH5 has half the main characters in this...and then some Nancy is great in this, Kelly too, Sisley is well Sisley haha, but dang barely seeing Rosina is kind of sad...Almost think she should have been casted as Sisley's character instead...
It's better than the rest of the TVB series for sure (way more entertaining than FH5) but I think the plot is overly predictable...
Haven't watched Wayne's new show, but I'm not surprised...Thank God they didn't try to recast Nancy either...wouldn't be as good IMO and would have pushed the release date out further too. Heck haven't seen a good series in a while like this.
It's the easiest accident that can lead to loss of life. It's a reminder as to how fragile life is sometimes.
Finished this series, overall decently good, loved the acting from everyone especially Nancy, wonder if this show would make it for the 2023 TVB best show, and Nancy gets best actresses...Not sure what other 2023 series is coming out, that will be the "one"...