I see lots of games released in conjunction with hollywood movies, i was wondering if there has ever been any released the same time as a hong kong movie?
hm... they can make a game based on the Film New Pollice Story But I think that impossible because no large firm do that -.-
Yeah, I think I have played a third-person shooting game based on this HK movie called "Gen-Y Cops". Is pretty much u are one of the characters(Cops), u have to finish some missions and move it to the next level...
no necessarily hk movies but hk actors... there was a Bruce Lee game.. A Jet Li game awhile back... oh wait Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon... but that was lame -lol Check this tho.... if ya got a Xbox360 be on the look out for this... http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/stranglehold/screenindex.html Support your asian actors!!! and this maynot be based on Hk movie... but its got potential to be a real movie?? -Super Star
Well, I would have agreed with Initial D, but that's not HK. There is StormRiders (Wind Cloud) game, but that's not the one off the movie, its another story I believe. And I was also going to say Shenmue 2, which takes place in HK (amazing game, I might add), but that's not based on a movie.
yea Shenmue m friend was hooked on that game.... there was like 3 of em right?? the believe the latest one was out on xbox and that was a long time ago... saw him play it on DC and looked pretty tight... too bad it never came out for ps2... so yea lotta HK inspired games... but just not based off any movies...
I can see a RPG made out from Face to Fate: Thou shall find the 5 fighters to fight with our side. Side quest: Find the 9 medicines. Etc etc etc
REturn of the condor heros? what's everyone on about! those games have been out for ages! there's loads of rpg games based on HK films such as return of the condor heros. But you need chinese windows to play it though.