if i knew all the answers to these question y would i b asking myself...?? n if i didn't know the answers what's the point of asking myself??
hahaha... but the title says ask... n those can just b more questions added to his list to round of the whole thing
awwww... there there... i'm sure u'll come up with a lot more of these questions... but anyway... sometimes i wonder wot sound giraffes make
-lol I thought you didn't ask stupid questions... lol get one of those toy things where you pull the lever and it makes the sound.. -lol damn speakin of giraffes.. they were showing the special where those pple put rings roun their necks to make 'em longer.. hosted by kathy chow... =D damn....
haha... i thought u were gonna say "speaking of giraffes it reminds me of Fiona Sit" anyway i didn't ask myself that question i usually ask other ppl... n my bf took me to the zoo last yr but the giraffes just kept on eating n eating n eating n eating... they didn't make any sounds other than munching sound...
hey... whats fiona gotta do with this... -__-' lol what'd you expect them to do... they were probably hungry... they dont have time to entertain you... >.<
fiona's nick name is giraffe ma hahaha... well the monkey i saw made sounds... n the elephant did a really big number 3 (number 1 and 2 together)... i was hoping the giraffe would at least make a sound so i'd know wot it sounds like
lol maybe it didn't get a chance to turn around and see your boobs... I'm sure you got the whole zoo goin wild... -lol
What if you were to ask a genie to grant you more than three wishes for one of you wishes? hehe i did asked myself this question before opps... im being greedy!
lol I think everyone's has thought of that question.. probably after seeing Aladdin.. I guess if it was something like I Dream Genie(which they're planning to remake) then you can have hella wishes..
well... that question pop up in my head after watching the movie by stephen chow... hmm... bout he had supernatural power then back to shanghai n met ding lik, that ding lik gav him 3 wishes too...
lol right! God of Gamblers 3... ahh i forgot all about that... some reason i wasnt too into GoG3... I liked All for the Winner better... no need for wishes when you can jus change the lotta numbers!
wow... dats dangerous n might cause inflation inflation! keke n u can actually remember that movie's name so well... totally no idea... ==''
OMG, I do wonder most of them! And fortunately, with Google, I KNOW THE ANSWER to many of them > If Hooters were to become a door-to-door service would they have to change their name to Knockers? I have no idea what Hooters are. > If you wear contact lens and you died with them in your eyes, do they take them out? Surprisingly, unless your cause of death is related to the eye, they don't tend to remove the contacts. > If you can see your breath outide on a cold day, could you see your fart? Not really, since fart is not as highly hydrated as our breath. > If you are old and are in a bathtub how would you know if you have been in there too long? When you think the water is cooling. You are getting hypothemia soon > Have you ever wondered why in the 1500's nude photos/painting were art, while today it's pornography? Never, since the line between porn and art is that thin: if a piece of porn look artful enough, it can be considered art, just that most of the porn nudes have models who look plastic and fake an orgasmic face, both of which never say high-class. > Do suicide hotlines have hold? Unfortunately yes, I've tried. > If you had only one hand, would second hand smoking effect you? I hated play on words. And it will, long as you do have breath. > What sound does a bunny make? Lower churpings, almost like birds. > Do bubbles freeze in winter? They don't, but they burst much more easily since the surface tension is upset by the cold freezing the water particles in the solution. > Do they put underwear on corpses? I do think so, check with <Six Feet Under> > Why do people say "The alarm just went off" when really it just came on? I guess alarms used to be stationary, and sounding alarms tends to fall off the table/pedestral? > If a vampire were Jewish would his Sabbath start at sunrise? Don't think so. > Why do child labor laws not prohibit children from acting in movies? Because they have agents? Plus, you can't really force a person to act, I guess. > If your eyes are crossed, do your tears fall straight? Gravity? > If a stripper gets breast implants can she write it off on her taxes as a business expense? Probably, yet again, I don't think a stripper file her tax properly. > Is the vice president's wife called the second lady? They are just wives of not-very-powerful men. > Do you wake up or open your eyes first? Wake up. > Can you "zone out" and be "in the zone" at the same time? Zone out from the physical plane, and in the "spiritual" zone. > If French kissing is a big thing in America, how do French people react to normal American kissing? Love it, since they love most things American? > Why is it called a soap opera when nobody sings? Because they will put soap in opera singer's mouth so they foam? That was the ORIGINAL soap opera? > Why does jello have a smell when you add the powder in the water, but when it "gels" the scent virtually disappears? Because the smell come from the powder fallouts inhaled thru the nose, when it's gel-ed, they are all locked in the water. > Can a unborn baby fart or burp? Don't think so, I don't think they kicks either. Again, I am not familiar with those little devils. > If a baseball player hits a home run over the fence, but then dies before he can run around the bases, does the home run count? I suspect no, because the game will be cancelled. > If a General is a higher ranking officer than a Major, then why is a major illness worse than a general illness? General indicate their rank in the sense that He can order EVERYONE, Major only the Major-ity of the people. Illnesses ranked by the severity and popularity: an illness caught by the general population is small potatoe while an illness caught by only the majority of the population (still less than general population, or population in general) is more specialised > Why don't they make Root Beer flavored ice cream? Wouldn't it be better than root beer floats? They are not to incorporate the bubbles and the ice cream together. Root Beer floats only taste good because the ice cream is eroded by the gas from the soda. Plus, 2 flavours (Root beer + vanilla) is always better than one! > Why is there never a full English dinner or tea but there is always a full English breakfast? Because most English dinner and tea look the same, but an English breakfast can vary greatly between the rich and the poor, thus full is the wishful thinking that naming it "full" make it full. > What is the point in saying "may I ask" and then follow it up with a question? So that you seem to be polite yet patronising? > Is it possible to be allergic to water? Theoretically no, because it's really unreasonable to be allergic to something that is 70% of one's body. > When an atheist swears on a Bible before they testify in court do they have to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth since they don't believe in God? They don't, just that the court can punish them in the name of God (the court's, not the Atheist's) if he did not speak the truth. > Why do cats like to dig their paws into something before they lay down on it? Test for nails? > If a pack of gum says that each piece is 10 calories, is that amount just chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it? Neither, it's for burning it. > Why is there a little countdown (like 8, 7, 6, 5, 4) near the bottom of the copyright info page in the beginning of many books? So that you have proper warning for the boring detail? > Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs. It was chicken that carried those eggs, until Avian flu. All fowls are exterminated then. > How come only your fingers and toes get wrinkly in the shower and nothing else does? Because the skin there is the most stretched, also, volume ratio of blood vessel is quite high there. Dilation of blood vessel then constriction lead to wrikles. > Isn't it weird that all year round your parents tell you not to play with fire, but on Independence Day they hand you a package of explosives, a lighter, and say have fun? I don't celebrate IDay, most American holiday are stupid anyways. > Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables? Fruits, because it has seeds. > How come lotion is colored, but when you put it on, it doesn't turn your skin that color? Because it's coloured, not stained. > Doesn't a lightning rod on top of church show a lack of faith? Definitely, but then they secretly know it's a scam anyways. > Are there pink lemons that make pink lemonade? No, but there are pink grapefruit to make pink limonade > Why do we say "heads up" when we actually duck? What's "heads up"? > Whats a question with no answer called? A million-dollar question? > How do "do not walk on grass" signs get there? They grow it, like the rest of the grass. > When a store has double doors why do they only let you use one of them? Because they like you to feel like a failure when you try to open the wrong door. > If there was a crumb on the table and you cut it in half, would you have two crumbs or two halves of a crumb? 2 halves. > "What was Captian Hook's name before he had a hook for a hand?" He is born with the hook, under Barrie's pen. > Do the actors on Unsolved Mysteries ever get arrested because they look just like the criminal they are playing? Probably not, since they don't do as much shady business as the actual criminals. > Do bald people get dandruff? Yes, but you can't tell because it just slides off their bald head. > Why doesn't baking soda freeze? Because it's not liquid? > What if you were to ask a genie to grant you more than three wishes for one of you wishes? Probably he will lock you in another lamp for being greedy and try to scam the system. > If you made biscuits with chocolate milk instead of regular milk, would they taste chocolaty? Not really, since the butter cover the diluted chocolaty taste. > If you rented a movie and were late returning it and then you died would someone you knew or a family member have to pay the late fee? Probably yes, unfortunately, when the bill comes MONTHS after your funeral. > Can a person with no ears wear glasses? Ever heard of clip-ons? Contacts? > Do the actors in the re-enactments on Americas most wanted, ever get arrested (because they were seen on TV portraying the criminal)? Don't think so. > Are people who are allergic to nuts allergic to coconuts too? Don't think so, as Coconut is not a nut
ha.. this might have been an old thread.. but it sure is funny how ppl can come up with such qns.. while others come up with answers to them... > Do bald people get dandruff? Yes, but you can't tell because it just slides off their bald head. I like that one.. although at times I really can't tell if you are trying to provide answers to the qns, or making fun of them.. great job for the attempt