Dear Life...

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by ms-jojo, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. Dear Life...

    thank God i found PA... i'll try using backmagic's method next time i read sad novels before i go to bed... i hope the ice won't wet my bed too much...

    n i hope ms-jojo feels better soon... i'm sure she'll find someone that'll treat her right :)

    time for my coffee break... thank God for making coffee...
  2. Dear Life,

    It'll get better tomorrow... I just know it...
  3. Peacemaker

    Peacemaker Well-Known Member

    Dear Life,
    like every day, tomorrow is a new day~~~
    i think i should take a break,... been too long since i went for a walk...
    it should be a good opportunity to watch the trees changing it´s colours,
    listen to the whispers of the leaves and playing golden,... firered in the wind,...
    i like the smell of the soil at this time of the year,...
    Hope Dawn and ms-jojo will be better soon ;) and that Ecko will post some pics of duriancandy poisoned kids on halloween kekeke
  4. Dear Life...

    that was so sweet of Peacemaker... dw... my bf didn't run of with another chick... i'm ok... but then again... it might not b such a bad thing if he did...

    shady day today... i hope it won't rain :)
  5. Lychee

    Lychee Well-Known Member

    Dear Life,

    You know those days when it's just a great day...and no matter what happens nothing will change your state of mind? Well, that's my day today! It was so wonderful to wake up, go outside...and see the blue sky and smell the fresh air. Sometimes I take that for granted. I was thinking of when I was little and how my friends and I would just lay on a hill in the grass and stare and the clouds....we would pretend that they were dinosaurs or castles....what happened to those days? Or when you used to walk into the candy store and get so excited you wouldn't know what to do with yourself...what happened to those days? (well for me, the candystore thing still holds true! mmmmm)
  6. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    Dear Life,

    I just don't feel like I matter anymore.
  7. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    Dear Life,

    At the subway station, I saw a chinese man playing the erhu. He had a big smile on his face while playing; eventhough he was dressed badly and most likely poor, he still managed to crack that smile. He gave me Hope. So I gave him 2 dollars. Never lose Hope you idiot.. and stop talking to yourself.

    ps. you matter.
  8. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    Dear b-lee,

    Thank you. I needed that.
  9. Dear Life...

    today i had to send some document to one of our staff in another state... n ater i sent it out my boss told me it was the wrong address... i thought that was impossible... i pulled the address out of the computer data n it's the same one i used every time... but my boss told me he n his wife split up n he moved out...

    i was shocked when i heard the news... earlier this yr his wife had breast cancer... they went through a hard time together... n now that she has recovered u'd think the couple would cherish each other more than ever... but no... they've split up...

    i'm not sure y but i'm just feeling a bit lost, confused n a lil down right now... *sigh*
  10. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    Dear Life,

    So this is how it feels eh? Well, it fucking sucks.
  11. Dear Life,

    I followed my dreams, put my passion first..

    momma said you'll get rich with a lil hard work...
  12. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    Dear Life,
    everything's swirling out of control right now. people are finally showing their true colours underneath their darn masks. id rather be a nobody than a somebody, who has to be fake all the time. how can people be so down-right nasty and disrespectful? damn...>=(
  13. Dear Life,

    Look what the wind blew in.. ahhahaa.. Sp back on the scene?? which cave did you crawl out of!? -lol
  14. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    hardy hardy har har...naww ive just been swamped with work thats all. and not to mention, internets been haywire for quite a while....tehehe =PP
    ohy ea...

    total shocker today during an assembly. my friend fainted and hit his head on the hard metal beside the bleachers..ouchh. i hope he's okay..and oh yes, i want to go to england *nods*
  15. well hardy har har to you too!! -lol by work do you mean chiselin those rocks into wheels.. ahahahahaaa internet going haywire.. or you just no payin the bills!?
  16. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    lol. well i have made a few wheels so far..looks mighty fine..but you see, it doens't roll properly. lol. and i have been paying the bills..well i dont have cousin does it..but still. *glares* the dumb computer just hates me..thats all. ill give it a good few whacking and it will work fine..=)

  17. -lol I love your savagery description... ahahahaa
  18. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    um..uh...savagery? you make me think of those cavemen people...
  19. lol and thas what i was referring to! -lol

    Dear Life,

    pple who give out parking tickets should die.... slowly...
  20. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    Dear Life,
    i wish veincentury the best of luck. i myself should start on my work..but...currently am feeling quite the lazy bum. i also hope that my science teacher will burn in hell or be fired...soon..=)