Port fowarding HELP for µTorrent with Br9104PE Broadband ROuter

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by jigixv783, Nov 13, 2006.

  1. jigixv783

    jigixv783 Well-Known Member

    I Have Motorola cable modem SB5100
    I have Broadband router Br9104PE
    I also have a windows firewall but allowed ports.. dunno if it works.
    I have got 1gb broadband internet.

    i am having trouble fowarding ports and i have read everything there is to how to foward ports.. but when i check it on utorrent if i have configure to ports correct it says "Port not open".. and always have a yellow triangle at the bottom of the cilent. I'm angry because i can never reach 3.0 kb/s and if i do it goes down to 0kb/s..

    Any help would be appreciated thanks.
  2. dude have you even tried downloading an Active torrent.. as in like more than 50 seeds... or even use a different client!??

    if you're having such troubles.. why not use a different client... Azureus is easy to forward its port... and bitcomet... you dont even have to bother forwarding any ports... Go download something very active and see if the speed is fast...

    seriously you're just completely stressing this without even look at the alternatives...
  3. jigixv783

    jigixv783 Well-Known Member


    Sorry becausse i'm new at this.. but why do you need seeds for? so that means if theres no seeds you can't get the file??
  4. lol its ok.. I can tell you're frustrated...

    lemme explain it to you from the top.

    Seeds are the people with the complete file. Leechers are the downloaders.. More seeders is good as they have all the parts of the file so they can upload to you. When they're are more leechers, naturally a few seeders cannot upload all the parts to them fast enough. Unless the seeders have a very high upload bandwidth.

    hmm I should probably find a tutorial on this.. or is there one made in the forum...

    but seriously.. search for a relatively new file with a lot of seeders(uploaders) and see if you're speed is still slow... if not then it's definitely not your computer..
  5. azndude18

    azndude18 Active Member

    Try this site http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm. If you are downloading a torrent that has many seeds and leechers but still getting low speeds, than i'm positive you're not forwarding the ports that utorrent uses. Either that or maybe a program ( spyware, virus, etc... ) is eatting up all your bandwidth.

    I suggest you recheck if you have forwarded your ports correctly. If that does not work than try a different BT client as Ecko has mentioned.
  6. yea... maybe do a virus/spyware scan.. or maybe turn off the firewall altogether.. see wha happens
  7. jigixv783

    jigixv783 Well-Known Member

    No i have not ever seen a torrent which has 50 seeds! lol. i'm downloading this torrent which has 30 peers and 0 seeds. but i can't manage to connect to all of the peers, i can only conect to 5 peers. And yes i have tried to download the bitcomet cilent but its stuck at 80% and wont move.
  8. jigixv783

    jigixv783 Well-Known Member

    Yes i have tried to download a bitcomet cilent but its stuck at 80%..
  9. well there's your problem NO SEEDS!!! which means no one.. absolutely no one has the complete file... so you're stuck at the same part as the other 30 something people.. now either you can wait it out and pray for a seed.. or jus forget about the file altogether.
  10. jigixv783

    jigixv783 Well-Known Member

    aww ok ;[ i think i get it now thank you.
  11. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    if your having so much problems with a router i suggest you get a long extended modem cable and wired your connection, in a way this is good as less chance of your line dropping (thats if you experience this) as when using BT if your doing lots of tasks at once on utorrent or bitcomet it gathers more connections and wireless can't support that many connections so line drops

    if you did read my faq thoroughly in the site and info section it would have answered your question about seeds from eckos post, like i said before if you do insist on using wireless go back to the faq and re-read the port-forward guide on the p2p and if it still doesnt help and sign up on the p2p forum and ask for help there as the members and mods there are much more experienced in p2p than any of us here

    but nevertheless i think that guide and the info on that forum is sufficient as it did help many of my friends who had port problems and other BT issues
  12. jigixv783

    jigixv783 Well-Known Member
