=O..LMFAO HAHA...bosco well he's okay...lol i dont know their names but i think the new miss hong kong ppl, they're mad ugly -.-
i think joey look sooooo flat faced and not pretty and overrated but i like myolie, she's pretty and cute. yea..i dont like shirley at all.
hmmmmmmmmm i dont know that guys name but the one in "welcome to the house" who is the computer nerd. GOD HE IS UGLY also.... i cant think of anyone that is more ugly than him hehe
Gosh I remember the moment I saw Selina Li in the Herbalist Manual and I went OMG who's dat ugxx woman!! But she isnt that bad in modern clothes. The not-so-good-looking ones on my list would be: Bosco Wong (funny shaped mouth) Moses Chan (mouth is way too big) Michael Tao (oh that mouth and those teeth!) Joey Yeung (again big teeth and mouth) though she sing really well Yup, mouth and teeth complete a person's face.
What ive notice is that most of them are unattractive lols..it's only after seeing them on screen frequently and because of the experience they learnt, they themselves learn how to change their appearance..like clothes and makeup..etc.. imo it's abit harsh in naming those artistes =)
Only a few that were mentioned are actually ugly... The rest may have regular people looks. Although I know that the longer you know someone or watch them you might not think their as ugly later. Maybe I have a bias, but if everyone mentioned here was ugly, then like 90% of the world is ugly!
Can't have only good looking people on screen - it will be too unrealistic. As long as the ugly ones can act too, it's fine. Some "ugly" people are cute - btw, isn't the definition of cute - ugly but adorable?
i know this is mean of me to say but i'm watching revolving doors of vengeance right now and the girl that plays chloe...ugh...i can't even look at her. everything about her is just awful...AND she can't act at all...couldn't cry if her life depended on it.