Black & White People born in China

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by ralphrepo, Nov 30, 2006.


Black & White People Born in China; Are They Chinese Too?

  1. Yes, because they're born in China, regardless of ethnicity they're Chinese too

    3 vote(s)
  2. Maybe, They're Chinese citizens but not ethnically Chinese

    13 vote(s)
  3. No way. They're shouldn't even be granted Chinese citizenship

    5 vote(s)
  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Does that make them Chinese?

  2. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    thats like if you were born in hk before 97 are you british?
  3. yr20405

    yr20405 Member

    well there ethnically white and black but nationally their chinese, its like if you were born in america you would be called american chinese.
  4. chariot28

    chariot28 Active Member

    No one, including themselves, would consider black/whites born in china as ethnically chinese but I wouldn't deprive them of their rights to citizenship and to all practical intents and purposes, I would welcome them as fellow countrymen and friends.

    I've seen ethnically white people born in hong kong with better speech, knowledge and respect for chinese culture than native chinses people. It puts me to shame!

    The moral question comes as to how much emphasis we put on a person's aesthetics? If a vietnamese person was born in china, would you be more ready to accept him/her as ethnically chinese than a black guy?

  5. Panda

    Panda Well-Known Member

    Nah, they are all foreigners. Even if you have Chinese citizenship and are of foreign descent, you'll never be accepted as a real Chinese. This goes for mixed people as well.

    I don't think Chinese would accept a Vietnamese person as Chinese anymore than a black person. Vietnamese don't look Chinese anyway.

    The only two people I think that can would blend in with Chinese would be possibly Japanese and Korean...maybe that's why we don't call them "lao wai"...but there are other names for them...even so, they can't be Chinese (not including ethnic Korean Chinese)...
  6. I find alot of vietnamese people to look chinese, same with other asian races. i believe heritage comes from your ethnicity so if your ethnicity and backround is chinese and you're born in africa you'd still be chinese except born an african citizen therefore known as a chinese born (chinese born in africa) african. Its all in your blood.

    Mixed blooded people, its easy for haters to say they arent this race because techinally its half true being only half blooded it's easy for people to dismiss them. kinda like being a spy, you're in a circle but no one can really trust you.
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    One of the unavoidable demographic problems facing China in the next generation is the fact that about one third of Chinese men may not be able to find wives (legacy of the one child policy with selective gender based abortion or female infanticide). As China becomes more and more prosperous, Chinese men would eventually begin to look beyond China's borders for mates. China is going to have to face up to the possibility that there will be many Chinese borne of mixed race or mixed ethnic origins. Things of this nature have already happened in the past as western region Chinese look more caucasoid than mongoloid. Various war induced migrations of other races have also been assimilated in the recent past; some a part of China for centuries (eg. Keifeng Jews).

    In Jamaica, there remain many descendents of mixed Black and Chinese ancestry, as a result of Chinese migrant plantation workers. Though their skin color is dark, the features on some remain strikingly Chinese.

  8. tWiNs_4_LiFe

    tWiNs_4_LiFe Well-Known Member

    black and white people born in china would be recognised as chinese citizen but will not be chinese because in the end, they will go back to their own country
  9. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah? And what country is that? China? Does everyone here see how inherently racist the above comment is? Or, put it this way, it's like saying that all you ABCs, CBCs, etc, can all go back to where you came from... LOL... Nice eh?

  10. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    i would say no
  11. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    The problem here is that just about every overseas Chinese will claim the full rights of citizenship in the country of their birth, US, Canada, Australia, UK, etc. Could you imagine the indignation that you would feel if someone comes up to you and tell's you to "go back to where you came from, because you'll never really be a "true" American (or whatever)?

    If a White or Black American or Canadian were to be born in China, and be told that, shouldn't that be considered racist and discriminatory too?
