How to get a gf?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Aznmask, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    i'm very embarrassed to say it but i still haven't got any gf yet and i'm 22yr. I dont know what is going on with me. I dont consider myself ugly(can post pic if i got my camera back), or is my height too short? well it is 5"7.

    Recently i transfered to a new college and hopefully stuff can be change. But it just goes back to the same shit. All my course i goes doens't have any cute or beautiful (atleast average) in my class. I dont make any friends in last semester. Can some1 give me some tips to how to make friend (even normal friend is fine)
    #1 Aznmask, Jan 5, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    don't just go for the hot urself to all kinds of girls if u're that desperate....or meet girls thru friends...its not hard getting a gf if u really try and be outgoin like talking to more girls..or u can find one on pa lol
  3. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    just open up and try talking to the people sitting around you in class.. and kdotc, that's actually some pretty good advice. surprising...
  4. why not have some of your other friends introduce u??
  5. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    step one-find gurl
    step two-confirm she is indeed a gurl and someone u are interested in
    step three-the hardest step!-approach her and be urself
    step four-falls into place once step 3 is accomplished
    *note-step three can take days, months, even years to accomplish.
  6. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    actually..u should rite a poem like that aaron dude and pass it around in class lo
  7. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    i think most of my friend is guy(and they got no gf either) and they don't have any girl to introduce me.

    How to get to know a girl? if no1 introduce me, no girl in my class.
  8. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    facebook and search for girls in ur area or friendster/hi5 lol
  9. lol well that's a bit of a prob. But since you're in college... Walk AROUND!? there are girls all over the place.. go hit up the library.. or some snack place and holla at some girls.. might be lot harder then it sounds.. -lol. But hey who knows.. someone might just let you sit next to them so you can further your conversation..
  10. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    grab the first one u meet and start humping her leg..makes things less awkward and she gets the message.
  11. which jus shows how much of a weirdo Knock is... see why you shouldnt take advice from him.. -lol
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    don't listen to this 80yr old virgin lol
  13. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    My point is.. even i want to have a girlfriend i need a chance first. alteast i have to find a girl but it is a big challenge.

    First of all.. i'm very understand how chinese ppl. FIrst if he/she dont know you he/she wont talk to you, nor they will sit next to you. So if i interest a girl, i either know their friend, or atleast have a class with her.

    What i complain is why the hell i'm very unlucky attending every course either 30-60yr old or no girl. I'm a bit of shy to go to library and sit next to some1 else that i don't know. (i think you guys can't either lol)
  14. or maybe you're too anxious.. maybe the opportunity just haven't arrived yet.. like wolf's thread.. took him forever till he finally got to talk to the girl. Maybe you jus gotta wait till you meet the right pple to talk to?
  15. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    and u would know all about being a virgin wouldnt u
    and to the thread starter...these things take time man..there is no set way to go about just happens..
  16. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    u have a lot of chance..its just that u need to find those chances..u don't need a girlfriend that is in ur class...u can tlk to girls that r like in the other side of ur city...btw where do u live in?....and ya..thats like impossible that u don't tlk to at least 1 girl...don't u use like instant messengers? get some emails and start talking
  17. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    I live in Malden, Massachusetts.

    but i'm 22yr old i'm very shame to say it. Probably from all my year i haven't realize it i'm that old, and have no gf. BTW i read wolf's and understand how he feel, (for wolf he seem more shy than me)

    maybe join a club? lol )first chinese ppl dont go to club. THe asian club i goes once is full of vietnamese and wast 90% is guy. How can i go talk to a stranger(girl) when she dont know me nor i know her. If that happen i wont be making this thread in the first place lol. I think you guys need to understand my situation not just tell me go for it.
    #17 Aznmask, Jan 5, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  18. which is why the best thing is for you to wait n see what happens? since you're not as shy as wolf.. you'll probably have an easier time talking to girls. Just let them go to you...
  19. intraland

    intraland Well-Known Member

    i'd say get more involved in your school... or if you want try the library thing, go while it's very busy. These kinda osf things just sort of "happens". Be a regular at something, then something will bound to pop up.
  20. thing is.. you gotta get the ladies to start noticing You! and not you trying to notice them..