tbh.. the first time i heared that i was like.. WTF? i thought my mom fell on her head or something (A)
You boil coke and ginger....and then let it simmer for 5 minutes. After that you pour it into a cup and drink it while it is hot.
^ Is that how you make it -huh... i thought it waswarm coke and lemon. To be honest warm coke and lemon doesn't sound that nice
My mom makes it with ginger...thats all I know...she recently did it LOL. So I just felt i should add to the thread =P
im not too sure to be honest, think its coz it has ginger and lemon but the lemon part got cut off short form i dunno
it taste like hote coke with lemon? k want the recipe? slice 2 small pieces of lemon... boil up 1 glass coke with the lemon.. tadaaa you got your yik ling lok
Agreed. Actually, any warm soda tastes bad But I know that hot water and ginger works well to relieve soar throats