How do you deal with your girlfriend when..

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by b-lee, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. just run away like a time bomb ticking ^^
  2. Lychee

    Lychee Well-Known Member

    Oh gosh, that sounds so cute. :D
  3. havoc

    havoc Well-Known Member

    oops i may have given the ladies more reasons to fake!!! :)
  4. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Your post is contradictory. [​IMG] First you said that from your EXPERIENCE, women fake orgasms, then you claim "not with you." Your experience must be from chatting with your female friends while sipping latte and wearing pink bathrobes while watching Sex & the City. [​IMG]
  5. havoc

    havoc Well-Known Member

    LOL! I neither confirm nor deny - that is how i maintain my integrity! :D
  6. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member

    When it come to PMS, You know whatever you try is useless, your only there as a punching bag.

    words of the wise.... Just disappear!

    Wait till the storm clears
    #26 kenshi, Jan 8, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2007
  7. mikeyh

    mikeyh Well-Known Member

    Haha disappear.. erhh.. haven't ever though about that
  8. kakasensei

    kakasensei New Member

    dont those things usually last 1 week or so? so like where the hell are you gonna hide for 1 week LMAO u hide one day tomarrow ur gonna b like dead
  9. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member

    Either way your dead, so don't try to delay your death.

    Just walk up to her and hand her the axe. :D

    Or -noclue
  10. cloudstrife781

    cloudstrife781 Active Member

    i'll remain skeptical <_<
  11. Quen

    Quen Well-Known Member

    i guess will be allright after 2 try not to do anything and stay out of trouble
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    You have 2 choices:
    1. take impeccable care of her, water bottle, hot tea (no coffee please), extra blankets, drawn curtain, lots of lotion (somehow girls just have worse skin when they PMS), and lots of affection, kisses and hugs
    2. leave her alone, leave only messages, long as that they are not invasive, nothing enrage girls worst than having to wake up to pick up a meaningless call when they are in blissful slumber during PMS. So unless you have some magic to rid her of PMS, DON'T call, but let her know you remember she's not well: leave msn, email etc, a msg in the front door/bedroom door work just as well (if not better) if you have her house key.
    And please do not try to raise an argument during PMS, chances are you guys are gonna have a cool-down period (pseudo-split) for whether you should use a mug or a glass (or ridiculously minor things like that), which sucks beyond any belief.

    Myself don't mind if he'll just leave me alone when I am PMSing (which in fact I don't really have PMS nowadays, working out helps with the cramps) If he can't drown me in his affections, he can leave me the hell alone while I sleep in peace.
  13. SweetSerenity

    SweetSerenity New Member

    Wellll.. when i am justa bit mooooddddyyyyy -rolleyes one of the things i luv is when my bf shows he cares by: Giving me space when i need it...
    Not ignoring me when i want him
    Letting me win no matter how much he hates it
    and one of the things i just adore is when i am sad... he comes and wraps his arm around me, and kisses my forehead gently. <3 soo swweett laa

    Come on guys.. its only a few days! lets be nice :)
  14. PsychoAssasin

    PsychoAssasin Well-Known Member

    umm few days every 20-30 days you mean?
  15. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    It's quite easy methinks: leave the girl alone for a day or 2, go play some Counterstrike and don't bother her with stupid text messages unless you have something nice to say.
  16. Lick

    Lick Member

    Go to your other girlfriend. Hehe..
  17. SweetSerenity

    SweetSerenity New Member

    Not true! -noclue I like the think that i don't get moody at ALLLLLLLLLLL. Maybe i am just special laa =D
  18. TieTat

    TieTat Member

    if you say that girls get moody during their periods, why would you want to DISAPPEAR like the others have said??? wouldn't that just worsen things?!

    anyway, i am a girl. trust me.

    to help your girl....

    -stay normal...if she's REALLY moody, she'll detect your vervousness.
    -like in any other situation, stay by her side.
    -keep her busy...spend time with her (like shopping/walking around the mall), or with friends to distract her from the discomfort.
    -DO NOT say you understand
    -don't OVERLOAD her with sweetness - especially if she knows you know she's "serving her time". she might think you're trying to sympathize.
    -don't give her cold drinks or sweets (they make the body worse during a period)
    -actually listen to what she's got to say.
    -just hold her closer.
  19. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    if she chews your head off, dont talk back, dont argue(even if you dont agree, bring it back for debate when she's not mentrating) and dont pass her off (this may piss her off more)

    act goofy and show that you care
    how can you resist and be mad at someone so cute

    do not offer her caffine, acidic foods, icecream/cold foods, lettace
    because because chinese medicines say this is BAD and i can say from experiance it's true
    it will prolong the period, possible more painful, and definately more icky goo

    I see alot of "leave her alone" posts, well i can say, probebly 40% of the girls this is true, but the other 60% will not like it
    some are needy, some want to be taken care of,

    remember this is a time of hormone reajustment, so the girl may be more moody, we need to be loved!
  20. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    ^What he said! *goes and play CS*