Does Height Matter?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by kapo123, Dec 22, 2006.

  1. ^ Why u wanna be so tall for >.<
    U say theres difficulties if ur partner is short right?
    And the majority of asians are short :p
  2. i asked what "jor mut" means haha...

    its not that i want to be tall on purpose lol... its not that i stretch myself out or soemthing ><
  3. Give me some of ur height :D
  4. TurtleJai

    TurtleJai Active Member

    Well I realised the last three relationships I was in they are fairly short girls...sadly I am quite short...two being younger than me but in all three they were only a few months to a year difference...but these relationships were between from 16 to now, 18. So I guess at these times age does matter?

    Back to the topic...sorry ^_^;;;...I think height matters to me cause I'm short...170cm-ish...being shorter kind of hurts my man-hood...don't get me wrong...I'm not one of those really dominant guys...I'm one of those guys that gets controlled by girls...but I want to be the man when she scared or needs to be I would like to be taller... ^_^;;;
  5. ^ -lol
    Hahaha manhood -clapclap
  6. muii is a midget!
  7. ^ Oi!!! -noclue
  8. TurtleJai

    TurtleJai Active Member

    How short do you have to be to be considered a midget? o_O;
    And how tall is mui in cm?
  9. lcy1988

    lcy1988 Active Member

    yeah ok....i agree kind of your opinion -^_^ but i mean like, if you know a girl/guy which is shorter than you and you know he/she very well, and this person is exactly what you're looking i don't know maybe height is then not THAT important...cuz u just love this person for who he/she is....well whatever that's my opinion...;)
  10. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    heyya joe XDDD
    agree!!! size doesnt really matter if u really like the person.
  11. ^ Yeahhh what he said :p

    Hmm...I'm 158cm >.<
    I'm not that short right? -unsure
  12. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    lol no... I'm the shortest in my class :p
  13. -what?
  14. a midget is around 1 meter.. when your older then 18 years old..
  15. ^ I bet ur a midget really u just pretending :p
  16. ^im a gnome tbh..
  17. Hahaha -lol
    And I'm a fairy? ;)
  18. yeaaaaa with no clothes?
  19. <_<
    Do u wan a slap? -noclue
  20. yea spank me plx! -evil