The Apple iPhone

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by shinobi, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. Let Apple take over the world! This phone is sex. It is also a toy. If Apple takes over the world, the world will be filled with sex toys! =D
  2. if not thru PC.. then thru MP3s... -lol
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    they've already taken the world.
  4. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    and a few things against the iphone:

    " * Cost: The price point hurts! It's $499 for for 4G and $599 for 8G. So as not to be stupid about it, that's $500 and $600 for a phone. And apparently, that's with a 2 year carrier agreement! The Tyler household isn't going to be springing for one of these any time soon at that price. Will businesses? Quite possibly, because as extensible phones go, that's not a huge price. Also, we should keep in mind the application of Moore's Law. The iPhone costs a bundle now. In a year, it won't. The price will go down through technology improvements, economies of scale, so forth and et cetera.

    And, let's all remember that when the RAZR came out, it was well over $300. I just got mine for $30 with a 2-year contract right before Christmas. As they say at Wal*Mart, "Watch out for falling prices." Also note, that this is a high-end phone plus the best music player on the planet. A 4G iPod Nano costs $200 already. Another $300 for an extensible phone suddenly might not seem too outrageous, especially if you already carry too many gadgets. I still want one.

    * Cingular: There's no cell phone plan information yet from Cingular. Cingular trumpets the fact that it doesn't drop calls... but everyone I seem to hear from hates them (I have T-Mobile, so no personal experience here). Plus, add the fact that Cingular bought AT&T Wireless because AT&T had such awful customer service that business was crappy. When Cingular actually did well, AT&T bought Cingular back. Brings up the question, "Is AT&T going to suck less as a cellular carrier the second time around?" Remains to be seen. All in all, the fact that the iPhone is not carrier independent is making lots of people unhappy (including me).

    * No 3G: This is a hardware issue, so for first-generation adopters it may be a biggie. Business users or tech enthusiasts with a thirst for the latest and greatest are going to care, big time. A case can be made that the price point of the iPhone puts it solidly in the business and enthusiast market. On the other hand, those of us, like me who are woefully behind the technology curve when it comes to cell phones, are not going to care much. Presently, Cingular doesn't even support 3G in all its markets (and in those, coverage isn't extensive), so it's hardly worth paying for the circuitry when it can't be used. In a year, the iPhone may indeed support 3G.

    * No WiFi sync to iTunes: it strikes me that this is a software-only "problem." At present, no iPod syncs over WiFi (no iPod has WiFi). Once the software supports it (and there's no reason I can see that it can't) it'll happen.

    * No over-the-air downloads from iTunes store: This is a direct result of slow data speeds. See 3G above.

    * No removable memory: I saw this in a blog somewhere... can I laugh hysterically now? I mean, when I went to put a ringtone on my RAZR (God, I hate that phone), I couldn't copy a whole MP3 onto it (and you should have seen the uncommunicative error it threw). There wasn't enough memory for a 3MB file. Are 4 gigs somehow not enough that we need an extra 1GB removable memory? Color me as not getting this complaint at all.

    * Battery life issues: Here's a potential problem. You get 5 hours of talk or video and 16 hours of audio (no mention of how much standby time you get). If you're surfing and watching and listening when you're not talking, this could be a potentially huge issue, especially since you can't just keep an extra charged battery and swap them out.

    * No MS Exchange or Office support: This is a potential biggie to business users. Consumers aren't going to give a flying fart. But since the iPhone is extensible and runs actual Mac OS X, there is simply no reason that Exchange support can't be added. There is no reason that it can't support Office documents. None. Big deal at first? Maybe. Big deal forever? Doubt it.

    * Not extensible by third parties: This is probably the biggest long-range caveat. If Apple locks down the iPhone permanently to all third-party developers, it's going to weaken the platform in the long run. Third party developers are the lifeblood of almost any platform. For business reasons, they can do things that a large company like Apple cannot do. However, it will be interesting to see if Apple uses the certification of third party products as a revenue stream (something like SalesForce's App Exchange). I strongly suspect that somehow, somewhen, third party apps will make it to the iPhone, especially if companies like EA Games, which is pushing hard into iPod games market starts leaning on Apple for a portal into the iPhone."
  5. breakersrevenge

    breakersrevenge Well-Known Member

    Is it made in China!!!!!!!
  6. -lol grab me an IFone instead...
  7. alexify

    alexify Member

    to be honest nothing really that innovative here, just has the marketing and looks, also quite pricey but not unexpected from apple!
  8. speedz55

    speedz55 Member

    God dang that alot...
  9. whoaitselaine

    whoaitselaine Well-Known Member

    looks pretty cool,
    but the price doesn't O.O
  10. Veincentury

    Veincentury Well-Known Member

    I read Apple is being sued for copyright infringement by Cisco for copying the title IPhone. Since Cisco copyrighted the name before Apple, these phones could be stopped from being sold. SWEET.
  11. scottiewolfe

    scottiewolfe Well-Known Member

    I sell cell phones where I work and we just got an article on this puppy today. Looks to be something with a lot of potential.

    I heard Cingular was going to carry it in the USA, but there is no word on Canadian services yet... I'm curious to see who's going to have it.
  12. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    now that i think of's gonna be more $$ to geting protection for the phone since its gonna be easily scratch and stuff..and i bet that when ppl flash it out on the streets it'll get robbed...gota b careful with these phoness
  13. esp. in toronto lol
  14. szetor

    szetor Well-Known Member

    its looks nice.
    but i think its too big, also since the screen is so big and nice... i would suicide if i scratched it. also for 600$ i would be really sad if i scratch it.
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ya yo..don't showoff ur phone on the subway or somthing and in the projects..u gonna get punk'd for sure
  16. lol Cellphone or a PS3?? thas what it all comes down too..
  17. hehe this morning, i was hanging my ipod vid down my belt, and it can be seen by everyone. i was on the subway too lol but i was going during non-rush hour so it was empty haha
  18. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    ps3..wat a joke..
  19. you forgot the Applie iToilet, gahahaha, plug in your "iProducts" to have a wonderful musical bowel movement session. hahaha... it's prolly not that far away realli~! :D i like i dea of an apple iphone in 6 diff colors haha.. but ya have to hand it to apple.. they have place their products so well within the market. even if their products don't contain all the functions that some other similar products may have, it doesn't matter coz the others aren't an apple..