I heard that there is supposeed to be a Battle Royale 3. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I personally am a HUGE fan! It just would be a bit odd seeing as to where the second movie left off, and also considering the original creator passed...
I'm a HUGE fan as well but I still don't see how it would live up to the first movie. I thought the second movie sucked. If there is a 3rd movie, which I highly doubt, I hope it would expand on the relationsip between the lead male/female actor and actress.
BR 1 was so crazy omg.... as i recall part 2 was complete garbage compared to 1... i dont think they can top BR1 lol
I don't think either of them would. The second one was great just not the first one. I also agree that Nanahara and Norkio should definitly get in a closer relationship if there is a third. At least kiss... sheesh, but then again it was always a "Protect her for Nobu" kind of thing....
Part 1 was awesome, part 2 was uhhhhh, long and boring as for part 3 i hope it likes part 1 if they make it. its a great movie.
The second was such a huge disapointment...if theY make a third then just do a whole new cast and get back to what made this movie famous in the 1st place...maYbe even bloodier and gorier heh
The first one was immortal... I bet if the director was still alive to do the second it'll be very good... I don't know how they'll do the third one without restarting the series... you can't send kids to Afganistan (where I think the survivors were at the end of the movie)... that's just weird. Maybe a whole tables are turned scenario where the grown ups are the players.
Oh... is the 1st one a good movie or not? cause I was thinking of going to watch it since I heard people said the story is awesome... I havent seen both of them 1st & 2nd by the way... :(
The first battle royale was a masterpiece. I felt like putting a dagger into my heart after watching the second one. I know that some hollywood production bought the rights to battle royale to make an american version. I hope Quentin Tarantino directs the movie since he's a fan.
aargh! why do they keep doing this! I think being a Battle Royal fan is reason NOT to fetch another sequel out. It's very rare that a sequel can capture the greatness of the original.
the first movie was wonderful lol second one was ok but weird i hope theres a 3rd some of my friends even compared the characters from the first movie to ppl in our grade
when will it comes out??? i didn't hear anything about it... BR 1 was good but BR 2 was very disapoint... hope BR 3 if it comes out it will be better!
first one was a classic, second was a wtf, a 3rd one would have to be over the top good. The plot is kinda running thin.