if you frikkin don't know how to type it in chinese, don't frikkin post in this thread anyways... mine's 林和成 (i'm starting this thread because 另外果個 thread 有太多死蠢唔識打中文)
wow somebody's angry... why do you sound so pissed about people not knowing how to type Chinese? well anyway, you're probably going to call mine 'overused' like you said about absinthe_faerie's, but whatever. here's mine: 梁茵儀
i dont know how to type chinese so hate all u want if you so ccool then dont go to an english forum and come talk to me in chinese i'm most likely more fluent then you are
dont know how to type in chinese doesnt make you a fool or loser whatsoever, at least we can use it fluent. peace
I admit it's a bit pain in the ass to learn how to type chinese, but it's not that hard once u get the concept. Anyways, mine is 梁志偉. And please don't argue with me, I'm in chinese debate team so most likely I'm going to pwn you in an argument so bad that you will run away crying.
Ahh...i dunno y but people wif the last name TSUI how do non chinesers (lol) say ur last name...iv been called (spelled how they sed it...) Sue suie, Ta-Sui, and stupid people say tissue...
My name is ?藝迪 ... I hate my name -_- !! It is not pretty... One would say a boy's name whereas I am a girl <_< >.<
mine is 劉曉欣 and i just found out that my last name is the 4th famous last name in china and my first name is also very popular