Ideally, I'd marry a Chinese girl and we would teach our kid(s) Chinese. I think it's a little sad when I see Chinese who only speak English, like they lost a part of their heritage.
definitely why not? no matter what language i think its important for parents to teach their children their native language - whether it be spanish, chinese, italian, japanese, etc...... besides what's the harm to learning an extra lang?
i think that would be ideal becuase why not teach them another lanhuage as its more benefical to them to know another language. Also I kinda like its my responsiblity to teach your children chinese as you wouldnt want your heritage to stop at your generation not to mention im sure my parents would stongly advise me too.
totoally agree with you mate, being and looking chinese, we must speak the part aswell, especially when you parents cant speak english, so you want your kids to be capable of speaking to them. -rockon
yes of corse, I want my kids to speak german and cantonese as well, they have to communicate with their grandparents Ok, I'll don't understand them if they scream at me in cantonese *lol*..hmm...anyway^^
Definitely! My children should know all the languages me and my other half know. Perhaps not necessary to be perfectly fluent like a poet, but at the very least know it somewhat, to read the news and such. If they decided that they like one language over another after a year or two of learning, I won't necessary force them to learn it, but I just can't stand seeing my children being monolingual.
if i ever have kids (heaven forbid) I would totally teach them chinese. There is nothing more sad than a chinese person who doens't know chinese.
I think that it should be necessary for my kids to learn chinese because how are they to communicate with the elders and what if i don't feel like speaking english, i have chinese to talk to them. It kinda is a little sad when you see chiense kids who don't know how to speak chiense and they always go around saying that they are chinese when they can't even "show off" their heritage.
All smart parents will teach their kids chinese. In the very near future chinese gonna be the new english just like english became the new french. And then the kids will make lotsa money and pay me back for being such a smart dad! =) But yeah, i reckon chinese is gonna become as important as english if not more as time goes on so teaching kids is a must..
^ If they knew those languages plus english, they would be set... do business anywhere in the world pretty much