My written conversation is way better than spoken XD. Canto, English, French are all the ones i could use in a conversation.... but mostly canto. Mandarin is okish... it's getting there =P
well... I'm from belgium and it's kinda basic that you know dutch, english and french +canto, that makes 4 languages that i can speak! lol
well im from luxemburg^^ nice to meet you all xD i speak: english , cantonese, german , french , luxemburgisch(language what we talk in luxemburg). read/write : english(still have some probs^^), german and french (good), luxemburgisch. cant write/read: Cantonese T_T i learned german and french since i was 6year old. And cantonese and luxemburgisch when i was born xD english when i was 14year^^
English, Cantonese, Swedish, German, little Chinese. Some phrases in French, but I guess it doesn't count.....used to know Spanish as well, but I guess it doesn't count either...
Malaysian (the language of Malaysia, where i came from) Cantonese, Madarin, English, used to be able to speak abit of Japanese but not anymore... and currently studying Spanish
I can speak: English, a bit of French Canadian, very little vietnamese, soso cantonese, horrible mandarin (I can understand almost fully cantonese when dsomeone is talknig to me and a bit for madarin and a little more then madarin for vietnamese), I can swear in croatian/yugolavian/serbien, swear in erdu and arabic LOL, also swear in korean lol and can talk a bit in jap.
i can speak english, cantonese (cant read or write) and no mandarin watsoever. a girl can come up to me and say "You wanna have sex?" in mandarin and i will just stand there like a doof -_-
i can speak cantonese, german and english of course... but i cant write chinese and i have learned french for 3 years. still learning french at school
Ummm English,Chinese,Vietnamese,I did start learning these few but kinda rusty...Thai,Jap,german in school lol,french haha
German (of course) English French (a bit, but not that much) Dutch (can read it a little) and I always try to rememeber cantonese and mandarin words I hear *g*, but I don't speak those last 2 My fave language is german for sure, coz I understand it perfectly and I live in germany^^
er lets see i learnt japanese for a year but forgotten most of that and i studied french for like 4 years at school but forgotten that too but im still inlcuding them, i most fluent in english and cantonese so in total 4 ne sais pas what u are saying -lol yes i'm still studying ... bä bä u can speak japanese !!! oO