As long as she wasn't just giving it out to anyone, I don't care. Do girls care if their bfs are virgins? Is there a double standard here?
If it's love, I guess it really doesn't matter. If you love your girlfriend, then I'm sure you can get over the fact that she isn't a virgin. But it'd just make it more meaningful if she was..That's just the way I see it.
i guess it doesn't really matter cos nowadays the better chics wouldn't be one i guess.....i guess it would be an added bonus? but she'll most likely be really attached to ya
Well... as the title suggests... I woouuulld prefer a virgin but if she isn't I don't think it's a reason not to give the relationship a try. I feel a little uncomfortable knowing that she has had physical relationships with another guy but at the same time, if we really click, I think I can put that aside for someone special.
I prefer used car...I mean non-virgin. My ex was a virgin. She had no idea wut to do in bed. If ur gonna be a virgin, then at least watch some porn so you know wut to do when the time comes. btw, I bought a used car. It may not have the new car smell, but it can do 0-100km/h in under 7 seconds.
virgin...ofcourse..what do you want..?..something that is used...with every friend of yours or some-noclue thing..?
^ yeh i agree most of my friends are traditional too, so casshern it would be good if you didnt generalise your comments to like the entire female population er "morphed" that sound so wrong, we're not some kind of transformer or power ranger
guys likes to date girls that r virgin n then takes their virginity away... n in the end they wanna marry someone that's also a virgin... those bastards seem to think virgins grow on trees <_<
is it serius gf or not?if yes ofcourse virgin if not doesnt matter^^ thts wat life is,we alwys get the better..whos gonna get the worst?damn u ppl