Hmmmm, everyone seems to want a girlfriend whos a virgin..... Theres only soo many out ther, LOl. I prefer if my gf WAS a virgin. But thats not gonna be the first question you ask someone once you meet them..... What if you really like them throughout time and turns out to NOT be a virgin....what a waste of a relationship eh???? But......Shit happens, and it flies everywhere!!!! hahaaha
Don't matter no more... For some reason, talking solely on the bedroom action... I nowdays prefer someone who has had experience... can get a little more wild with someone who has experience as opposed to someone who hasn't done it before... but having said that, we're talking about a girlfriend, I want the overall package, not the bedroom benefits... so it don't matter.
i'd lke me gal 2 b virgin - like me...i mean - it wd sorta odd on the 1st time - bt it wd b a gd 1st time experience...^^ the long run...
well said well said... I'd wonder what these guys will say if the same thing happens to their daughters! >.< guess they'll beat the hell out of d guy!-noclue
i know!!!! n a lot of guys would leave their girl if she doesn't have sex with them... gosh... i dunno wot's so good abt seeing blood after sex...
People who think having many partners will get 'better experience' is the worst excuse in the world. a hooker has more experience!!! I agree that people can learn a lot with even just 1 person already without having to go through so many.
well i dont care if my GF is virgin or not.. @dawn if the boy really love you and took your virginity he will marry you sooner or later *cough*
Hmmm I wouldn't care if she wasn't a virgin but she has to be honest in how many guys have she slept with. I say if its more than 5 its bad
even if he is willing to marry the girl coz he took her virginity it doesn't mean they can really get along... wot if they personality is just not compatible??