Wii or XBOX 360

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by devilaa, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

  2. darksss

    darksss Member

    wii totally owns, i got own and compared to my friends 360
    nothing can compare!!
  3. oliver547

    oliver547 Active Member

  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I skate often enough to know that the stupid rink doesn't open as often as one wish it to be. And field and parks? Who will go play ball when it's -10 out?
    I am just pointing out the fact that Toronto need more indoor recreational space. Plus, hold the cars, they are evil.
    Still Wii :p Tennis some more! Anyone finished Twilight Princess?? How long did YOU take to finish it?
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lies...city hall and harbourfront open til like 11 and the recreation ususlay have 1 side for hockey and 1 side for pleasure and opens from 10am to liek 11pm...no excuse!lol and u have no idea how many ppl ball at night...and there are a lota indoor rec for kids to play for free...or they can just join ymca! so they don't need a wii to exercise =)
  6. kongee

    kongee Member

    i have the xbox360 and im going to get the Wii too.

    Can't compare both of them. Both different. The Wii is more interactive.
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Which part of the city do you live in again? I live far up in Markham, without car access, and you somehow expect me to go down to the OUTDOOR rink down in habourfront to skate in the freezing cold? Which I should add, the ice condition is horrid by most standard, specially when it is cold like this weekend. I skate up in the beautiful rinks in Angus Glen and Markham Village, which doesn't open nearly as often as I'd like it to. For most indoor rinks in Scarborough area, the average opening time for adult (not teaching sessions, not parents and kids sessions) is like 5hrs each week).
    And for swimming, the other sport I practice, there are like 3 50meters standard pool in GTA, one in Sagua, one in UofT (which nearly open the 50m lanes for 2hrs each week, again, DOWNTOWN).
    I don't think that is acceptable for a city of Toronto's size. I guess it really depends how you look at working out and such matters.

    Still Wii.
  8. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    u got ghost recon air warfighters? or nfsc? play on live

    o u live in markham..i thoguth u live in toronto..pshh.. u suk lol
  9. mehfew

    mehfew Member

    I got me a Wii mainly for party use i.e. playing with many friends. If that's your thing than the Wii owns hands down. However if you want a media box, then I'd have to say the 360.

    Then again, you can always just get both. It'll still be cheaper than the PS3 :p
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Sigh, the fact that living in Markham sucks sucks beyond all belief. And thanks for reinforcing that.

    WarioWare! It's so funny to see one dance for that boss level :p
  11. martinj

    martinj Guest

    I hope one of them get a price drop when the PS3 comes or at least by april ^^
  12. korx

    korx Well-Known Member

    the xbox 360 is already reduced. I'm not getting unless it hits $200 or when halo3 comes out.
  13. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    wat chu saying? the ps3 IS out already lol
  14. martinj

    martinj Guest

    But not that much in the UK/Sweden.....In Sweden its around 480 USD for the Xbox Premium and that is the cheaper stores

    Edit: For us who are in Europe have to wait till March 23rd to get a ps3 = [
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ it was $400CAD and came with g.r.a.w and arcade plugged..thats y i bought it..or else i mite have went for a ps3 or a wii
  16. lynxd

    lynxd Well-Known Member

    i'll get the Wii now since it inexpensive compared to xbox 360 but in a few years i might get the xbox 360 because it'll be less expensive and the graphics are way better compared to the Wii
  17. LoganX

    LoganX Member

    i'd say xbox 360 cause it requires less work to play the game lol and plus doesnt break as easily
  18. daveleung685

    daveleung685 Member

    I think 360 would be better for me cuz im a hardcore gamer, gears of war, halo 3, and unreal tournament 3, games that are prolli never gonna be seen on the wii, but still Wii has mario and zelda, i will buy a wii later on mainly for the exclusive nintendo titles.
  19. Tundra_RS

    Tundra_RS Well-Known Member

    Well if i have the choice of Wii,PS3 and XBOX 360
    I'll choose Wii, because we get more fun and it's cheaper than all the console. All age of people can play it, grandmother too =) Nintendo always invent new style of playing like NDS with stick and Wii with teh remote controller.
    Ps3 is always with the controller and Xbox too.^^
  20. k7szeto

    k7szeto Member

    wii is the next generation of gaming however the 360 HD compatible is for people who enjoy quality of graphics and audio other than the content of the game play...that's what i think and wii's cheap.