For Car Owners and Enthusiasts, where do y'all get your car parts and accessories? Im looking to mod up my car but i dont know which websites or stores that are good and trustworthy. Thanks in advance.
i get most of my parts on ebay or car forums. Depending on what car you have, you should go to that forum. What car do you have?
Yeah like they said, It really depends where you are and what car you are modding. Woo, what are you looking at modding?
Dedicated forums to your specific car is usually a good start. They often have a classified section that can save you big bucks. Parts manufacturers or distributors will often list specials off forums as well. If you like the more personal taste, check out your local tuner shops and become friends. As far as modding the Type S, engine mods aren't worth it on that motor because it's already very efficient. Because it's a type S, it already has ground effects built on, and very few kits for these new corollas look appealing to me. Don't think I'm hatin on corollas because I have a VW, I also own a old skool corolla
as AVANT has mentioned, try car forum as they are often sponsored by many vendors. normally these vendors do offer good price. however the only downside from buying online is that u don't get to see and/or test the product before you buy it.
Supra is nice, but hard to find a good second hand one in good condition and good price. As for the celica, the 98 to 02 version I think itz a girls car. Not many dudes that I noe drive it.
buy evertyhitng from ebay. its the cheapest place on the web to buy accessories. all u need to worry about when u buy from ebay is the owner of the accessoris history of seling things. if they have a history of bad product, then of course don't buy it form them.
Yep, Ebay youcan find about anything... local shops are usually expensive..... unk yards are good too sometimes...