Anywhere ranging from 10min to 45min. If you tell me "we've got to go in 10, I WILL BE ready" but if you just let me laze around and such, I can take forever. But generally, I take around 15 min, looking decent but not sizzling
brush my teeth, comb my hairs, wash my face, put on products, get dress, etc....hmmm....approximately 30 mins or so
wake up, find all alarm clocks(4), im a deep sleeper, put books into backpack, shower, decide what to wear(when im in boxers) depending if i have work after school , drink a glass of water, warm up car.............
Normally around 20-25 minutes. Since I normally get up late have to rush because I always running late. Thank goodness don't have to get to work at a specific time.
No matter how early I woke up or prepared myself, I still needed to rush in the morning. I guess it is my habit.
I take my shower before bed, so it saves time in the morning. 30 minutes is what I need to get ready and out of the house.
Usually 30-35 minutes, only unless rushed, then I can get ready in 10-15 min. That's mostly because I do a lot of my preparations the night before..(shower/clothes, etc)
it usually takes me 1 hr. But then if I don't have time it would take me at least 15- 20 minutes. But then I would forget something.