Hong Kong is a good place.....it's pretty small.....but it's bigger than Macau.....and you can meet celebrites in the street or shopping malls very easily by the way...-Tisken-....i like your banner.......nic is cool
^Well its still jan sales, isnt it.....? its kinda cheap theres one thing i dont like about shopping in HK, the staff are so helpful its almost annoying sometimes cause they are constantly over your shoulder
Yeh...It's like I'm approaching the shop and they are in ur face just as u step in the shop >.< It's like chill out la I cant breathe!! -noclue GrRr And...they not tryna help they tryna make u buy more But I get well annoyed make me not wanna look anymore >.< Ho fan aR!! It's like in the market -lol Jesus! But most of the time they tryna sell things to tourists -lol