well two things to point out to watch for bad torrents with virus always download only those with a HIGH number of users downloading second, getting bootleg copies can be deadly, if you do some sort of window's update of any of there products, espcially their free ones they will do a scan on your computer to see i you have any bootleg MS products, espcially the OS and if found, they start turning off features which will really screw with your system
From what I heard, you can still DL the updates just don't DL winxp authentication prog. The number of people dling is in noway an indication that the prog doesn't have any viruses. Head over to mininova and you'll find torrents with DLs in the thousands and then Mr. 4567 post that there's a virus on it haha. Maybe we should just start looking into alternatives for Office; at least for word and excel.
It also makes applications run faster... I guess it also makes things more organized and neat too. Haven't tried office 07 yet, is there a big improvement?
torrents used to be the shit...now they are gettin infected with bad files...i should be gettin vista and office by next week..once i do i will ddl it....hopefully....for those who want it that is...i wont be using vista..but office for sure....
yea.. wonder how much longer torrents will last.. till the next big thing.. hope office 07 aint hella big like several gigs.. or im uffed...
yeh my uni has a MS MSDN program and we get xp pro and vista business for free. Installed vista and cause its the business edition, it didnt seem to special. The graphics were cool and so are the desktop widgets. But tbh theres nothing so special that i would upgrade to vista (back to xp pro), until it becomes a mainstream product
Personally I think Vista is a resource hog, it recommends having 512 of ram when really to run it smoothly you need 1 gig. Anyways, it does look cool, maybe after a year or two...then I might download it.
its more a pretty boy os type a thing...n ya boy dims got these free copies n he aint sharing them eh..
if u wanna get vista of office i think u better wait for the service pakket from microsoft... i think there will be a lot of bugs in this os... andda u need a great pc 2 run this os... with lot's of RAM
hehe i got vista business, but i aint sharing the key cause its off my personal MS MSDN account, if i bootleg it, they can easily find out :( So no free copies from me, plus its 2.5G in size, cant be bummed to upload that via ddl, and cant even use BT at uni