whos kevin lim? one of the missing chinese kids <_< btw i used to go to pierre elliott trudeau high school now im at u of T.
lol o....missing kid on facebook haha yo u go to pierre elliot but isn't that like mccowan and steels..i thoguth u're nea pmall...there like mmhs bci timmothy near u
no its kennedy and 16th. yea but you see, peths is a french immersion school. and mmhs is.. well a normal school. i neede french immersion, so i had to go to 16th...
^ damn 16th avenue...who would go that far lol...markville and like markham district around ther...dam u frenchie!...there's a toronto french skool ehh
cant go to toronto french school, cuz its not in the same district. and plus, its far. HEADACHE HURTSSSSSSS its so bad i wanna stab my eye out -cry2
^ that y u don't do homework lol i had 2 days off and got nothing done and i got test tomoro and assignemtn due mon...well i didn't get something done..i beat some level in gear of wars and beat some team in nhl 07 hahaha
not a headache from homework. cuz i dont do mine either lol headache cuz i didnt drink enough fluids after working out.
wait til u die...lord knows u stay high...stayed on top lord knows u try...tehn u get to hell lord knows u're gonna fry
I've got 43 posts and i can't really gloat but in due time you'll all be toast, I spam by the kilogram and sell shit by the milligram, no im not a dealer with a mission, im actually a pharmacy technician lololol
ahahha wtf.. out of nowhere... I spam by the kilogram and sell shit by the milligram damn.. fearless killin' it.. -cool2
-hug -hug -bigsmile -bash -bash -doh god, the picture of those 3 missing kids is depressing! they're still so young. :( can't be sure that it's gang affiliated stuff, but if it really is...to see teens putting their lives to waste like that is seriously sad. can't even imagine what their parents are going through.. kdotc i'm worried about you most. DO NOT FOLLOW THEIR FOOTSTEPS! oh & a lil update on me: i just bought a new computer!!! -bigclap
Either they're gang bangers.. or emo.. I mean come on wearing all black.. ; Congratulations on the New Comp!! I'm so jealous... -__-; ahahhaa.. you jus gotta step on kdotc a bit didnt you...