My license plate is "8T * 8T" ><;; Parents registered the car for me since they pay half of the insurance.
my favorite part about these license plates is when somebody that doesn't understand the tradition asks you about it and you have to explain it to them....and then rinse and repeat for the next 100 people that ask u
a single 8 in the license plate means nothing, its just coincidental but when u have 8888888 (theres one on my street) then thats when u know either they are really superstitious or money grabbing
-drool This is unbelievable, is there such a licence plate of "8888888" possible?-huh? Which country is this? A photograph as evidence could be interesting!
Talk about superstitions? How about adding up the numbers on your car tag? Have a friend that don't think 888 is good because it adds up to 24. And in Cantonese, direct translation of the sound is "easy die". hehe
My dad had 888 in his licence plate for many years (definitely 10+ maybe 15 years) but gave it up when he had to get it replaced since it was so rusted up. In order to get the same numbers and letters, it was like getting a custom one so he just took a new random one.
I dont think anything of it really, other than its a no more than an old tradition, I know one chinese family that aren't even bothered about having the number 8 on the car plates.
in my country, if you want to choose your own vehicle plate number, you need to tender. Sometimes the tender amount can reach up to certain amount where you can buy another new car (low range car). Depend on what number you choose. But if you don't choose the number and let the number run in Q by local register authority, you can get any number which might get bad number........ eg. 4444 (die) or 114 (everyday die) something else eg. of tender price # 1 = US17,000 # 8 or 88 = US30,000 # 99 = US4,570 # 8888 = US15,000 # 9999 = US20,000 # 888 = US18,000 But also depend what number you prefer and sometimes combination will get different meaning eg. # 8168 or 1648 or 4168 or 168 - continuosly prosperous # 8828 or 2288 or 2828 or 828 - easy prosperous # 8818 or 8118 or 118 - everyday prosperous # 8814 - prosperous forever # 4848 - always prosperous
also depend how to combine the numbers Meaning of the number #1 = everyday (eg #118 - everyday rich) #2 = easy (eg # 28 - easy rich or prosperous) #3 = alive (eg # 113 - everyday still alive) #4 = dead (eg # 114 - everyday dead) #5 = not (eg # 5353 - not alive (also mean not living)) #6 = continously (eg # 168 - everyday continously rich or prosperous) #7 = not sure what is the meaning #8 = rich or prosperous #9 = got business or loyal (eg # 1919 - everyday got business, # 9169 - business everyday continously, # 999 - loyal) depend on the combination but might be different meaning eg # 9394 or # 5354 = doing something not moral (can somebody translate more accurate)