anyone starting to think that she might be a secret police? cause why would she accept the offer to join the company right after she comes back from Canada, and why is she so friendly towards the Tung family?
im on 10 also....i dont know... hmm a underr cover cop eh? interesting never thought of that...i thought her profession was a sociologist.. -lol
I think in one of the eps she said she doesn't know if she will open her own office. So modeling is just a tempt job, but who knows. Knowing TVB series she can instantly be an undercover cop with no explanation or a short flashback explaining everything.
oops hahah ya. after watching ep 10 i think other wise i think bernice is related to the family probably a step daughter? only she knows that shes their daughter whahah. ;D
bernice's character is def getting a bit more interesting... i think something fishy is going on with her
yeah i tink that too.... she is a under cover cop because ever since she came back from her vacation ting she acted different ly around steven and trying to seduce the old mann,.... haha
After watching episode 18 I'm pretty sure she's an undercover... I mean, she keeps trying to get close to him... she even vists him all the way in new york... possibly investigating the firearms thing?
i was thinking the same thing, that she was investigating the firearms incident, however a loophole to that theory is, that bernice lives in canada, and the firearm buisness is in new york. it would kinda get complicated. canada police > New york investigator > Hong Kong undercover cop?
ermm.... lol. i got no idea! but i dunno... after watching episode 18... im starting to think that too.. undercover cop.. cos shes trying to get close to jee lung. hmm... we just need to find out! xD
haha me too I think that she is an undercover cop! I never thought that so many people would think that too...
Okay okay, we get the idea that she's an "undercover cop" -- no need to keep jumping on the bandwagon when everyone else has already said it.
FORSHO.. Police agency i beleive. undercover I simply think she doesn't live in Vancouver .. and is from the states .. CIA. but her family is in Vancouver cuz she has that .. . Gwai mUi look .. lol this can lead us to the fire arm situation because in theory the investigator would need to be in States to "cha" the case of OLD mAns wit $$$ shes prolly goign to end up being the cuase of the sceene where Ji Go wit the explosion during the theme song.. **at least thats what i think.!
I have been fooled, I thought she was a gold digger at heart... Now that I have been enlighten, undercover agent from CIA/FBI seems unlikely, since I can't think of a crime that the boss did that was worldwide illegal..