I seem to have to wait for people alot, cause i'm always on time, and i know alot of late people I am also rather impatient, and can get irritable if i have to wait to long any good pointers? what to do to pass the time? what to do not to make me to irritable?
omg, i'm just like u. i am ALWAYS on time, usually early. i absolutely cannot stand ppl who are late. i usually carry a book or magazine with me because my friends are almost always late. having my ipod with me also helps. if u don't have either, then work up ur anger and take it out on the person that is late...haha.
yep im one of those people who are always on time and everyone else is always late. I usually just listen to music on my mp3, although I do try and be late sometimes, which is better cause then i arrive as all my friends arrive but yeh music really does help the time go by
omg you guys have to TRY and be late im one of them people who are always late as things always crop up that i gotta do or i forget things and have to get them and stuff >.< but to pass time erm try leaving the house later than you normally do or like people said listen to your ipod or even take a long way round to places your supposed to meet/be at
^ yep and im one of them people, dont hit me -lol i try to leave the house early likt 4896948 times but still manage to be late :(
^ You should leave super early next time I do try to be late sometimes, but i end up feeling bad cause everyone is waiting for me...
^ o i do try but it never seems to work like that like last time i was about to leave the house and then suddenly i had to drop my brother off at the train station as it was along the way but there were huge queues so had to wait like ages which made me like 20minutes late but my friends are all kinda used to it by now -lol but things like that just happe so you dont need to feel late but mind you i guess it really depends how late you are
^ well i suppose there is always one person you know is gonna be late Next time your mates should say a meet time that is actually 30mins before the real meeting time, so you will be on time
^ haha thats tried and tested and when they did that i still made it late haha, i just give up sometimes but my famous line is 'better late than never' -bigsmile
^ er with lectures and classes im not too bad at but got to admit i have walked in 10-15minutes late with my friends before as we were either shopping or having lunch we kinda forgot and sneaked in to the room -lol but genuinely i normally make it either bang on time or about 10minutes late >.<
OMG my computer just crashed... I was gonna say 10mins is not bad, cause ive seen people walk into 50min lectures 40mins late -noclue
when i have to wait for ppl i just go window shopping ... if there're no shops around i'll just take out m phone and start reaing or watching the news...
that has caused a huge fightandpeople ignoing me for several weeks before but i think i had the right that time becuase i was waiting for them in a totally different city, not knowing if they would show (because there phones were off), and waiting two hours, not knowing if i had a way to get home (because there was no bus or taxi who could take me home