you should for give him, everyone makes mistakes he even told what happened which means he feels guilty inside. Ppl who said that you shouldn't forgive him because because he slept with someone else is fucking retard, why start a relationship with ppl. I'm pretty sure your partner is going to cheat on you at least once, regardless how nice he or she is. I say give him one more chance, and if he does it again then you should dump him.
yes everyone mistakes, does that mean everyone learn from their first time too? i can 100% admit, that I dont always learn from my mistakes the first time or second, or even third, or infinite sometimes. if it just a mistake that everyone makes (considering you said that everybody will cheat at least once in their relationship), why dump him the second time he does it? give him another chance, he human he will learn right, it takes time to learn from your mistakes especially ones everyone makes? it not about learning from your mistakes, it about him sleeping with someone else (whether he be drunk or not), it something that shouldnt happen when your in a relationship when your with somebody you care and love, regardless of how nice he or she is to you or how gulity he feels about it. been in a relationship is part of considering your parther feelings about things, he wasn't too consider when he decided to sleep with someone else, if he was that horny to get it on...he could have just taken a taxi to his gf place and get it on there and not with someone else.
that's totally not a good excuss -_-' I am sorry... but people can control themselves while they are drunk! if my bf said that to me, I will dump him right there!!! so just dump him!
you have it good at least he told you. if it's one off you should let it go if you love him. if not the relationship will be starin and you will net be happy.
I make him feel bad.. but it depends on who the guy was... i duna... it's impossible to say yeh i will or no i wont!
he is guilty but he can also prove that he did not know wat he was doin...his mens rea will prove that he didn't not know he was acting like he was....this is too complicated to explain..u gota take law to know wat im talking about
I'm not saying the person would know what he is doing. But from ur statement, ur removing responsibility from the person because they made a wrong choice? Even if u didn't know what u were doing, u still did it because u made that choice to drink.
^ unless ppl force it down the persons throat, i can't really think of anyway to be forced. Not know that there was alcohol is arguable i'll give u that, but if the guy was a really weak drinker, then thats even more reason he shouldn't have so much. anyways this situation seems to be that the guy was drunk on his own free will, so everything he did, he should be held responsible.
Sorry to break it to you, but drunkeness may lower inhibition, but drunk people would not do anything they wouldn't do when they were sober. That is, he cheated on her while he was drunk because he's always had thoughts about cheating on her.
Even if he was really drunk that's NOT an acceptable excuse. I've been pretty drunk before but I know what's right and what's wrong. He had sex with the girl. He was not rapped or by her. He willingly did. So what if he was drunk? if you were drunk and had sex w/ a guy would that be okay? If you were drunk and killed someone, does that not mean anything? wtf. Do not trust him. If he loved you he would not have cheated.