I like the irony behind this post and how your name/signature appears. I alsoz hatez peoplez whoz typez likez diz, itz soz fuxxingz anoyingzz. Shiet.. talk about learning to type.
What's worst is that most of them will turn to you and be like "diZ is OnLiNEz bi0tch i tYp how i wan. diz iznt skoo foo i dun neda typ ryt." AzN PryDE 4Lyfez!! << Fuck that shit.
dayum str8 azn pryde yo imma gangstah nd imma beet all yo assezz bytch yous all mah bytchezz cuz u is 2 foo 2 be gangsta lyke me, i are da king of da streets! hheheheheheheheh
i dont mind a bit of that type of typing but if it was like all the time whilst im chatting to him/her it does get a bit annoying. like the odd word here and there is ok
i dont mind the internet spellings, i can deal with that or internet slang but i hate CAPuncapCAPuncap how the hell do you read something like that
hehehe fail the whole class lol i would LOVE to see a whole class get zero on such work, while one smart kid stands out with a 100 percent lol
Sad thing is, people actuallly literally talk like that in real life. I came across some Avril Lavigne bio on TV and I swear I lost a few good brain cells listening to that dimwit talk. It's clear the smarter side of her slid down her crackwhore mom's asscrack instead on that fateful night her sex-depraved, alcoholic truck driving dad was looking for some 3-dollar herpes-ridden hoe to bang.