Xbox360 or PS3?

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by fearless_fx, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. LordJD

    LordJD Member

    I have both, but I like 360 lot better then PS3, one word "ONLINE" says it all.
  2. heartcollector

    heartcollector Well-Known Member

    Right now, anyone who doesn't say 360 needs brain surgery. Seriously.
  3. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol so far two people have said they have both systems.. thats like 1,200 dollars minus games and accessories :p ... thats a bit out of my league... however, im liking the suggestions about the downloadable games. i knew about running linux on the PS3, but i never thought about downloading games and attempting to play them directly from ISO files... i suppose since the PS3 is technically just a funky computer, someone will probably design some software to make it easy to run a game from an ISO file in the near future, il be lookin forward to that.

    After some deliberation i think il probably just end up getting a playstation. I like Sony stuff, and microsoft already has a monopoly over my computer :p. Would be interesting if Apple came out with a game system though, id definitely consider that :D
  4. horent135

    horent135 Active Member

    ps3 all the way, cuz it more japan than xbox360, plus more japanese ppl prefer ps3 than 360
  5. cakl

    cakl Member

    i am happy with my Wii .. gonna get ps3 soon too =)

    but xbox360? nevermind -__-
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    wii is cool just cause nintendo is old skool...
  7. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    there were lots of web comics, and comedians using the Wii for there jokes

    people worrying little kids would want to run home from school to play with there wii-wiis
  8. andarye

    andarye Member

    i'd go for the wii - jokes and all :)

    but 360 easily beats the ps3
  9. aleung98

    aleung98 Member

    dunt get the ps3 yet..i am sure the price will 360 has more games now
  10. CHY2006

    CHY2006 Member

    Ps3 is so much powerful than xbox 360. The full potential of the xbox 360 machine graphics has reach its limit and the graphics will not improve anymore. The graphics on the ps3 can still be improve as it has not reach it limit yet. The games on the ps3 are much more bigger compared with xbox 360 DVD games. Games on PS3 have only use 50% of the ps3 power and xbox 360 have already use 100% of the power of the machine. I still can't believe DVDs are being use for games on XBOX 360. I going to buy a PS3 as it is more reliable and I don't want the machine to crash while playing my game.
  11. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    each has its positives n negatives..
  12. CHY2006

    CHY2006 Member

    check out this site for full of complaints for xbox360. Some of the complaints claim their xbox360 keep breaking down. They say they were on their 9th xbox360 and still breaks down. Guess the xbox360 is not as reliable as its xbox 1. Check this site out,
  13. jmcd4ever

    jmcd4ever Well-Known Member

    I got a xbox360 for my wedding gift and am very impressed with it. Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas and currently Crackdown are games that blew my away.
    Sure, every console that ever came out had glitches in them but hey, just hold on to your receipt and box for warranty.

    I find the PS3 is just too bulky, slow boot and just plain overated. My brother in law bought one but returned it because he was not impressed and plus not many good games out.
    As for Wii, sure it's cool with an interactive game controller but down the road it seems more like a novelty. Graphics are basically on the same level as Gamecube.

    Mod for the Xbox360 has been out for a while. Just needs a dvd drive firmware fix. I think one big reason people have defective 360s is they tried to fiddle with the firmware mod and screwed up.
  14. maskedchan

    maskedchan Member

    both also got their own advantages...
    but i prefer PS3
  15. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    why would u want to mod the ps3?...its got a hard drive and in a bit...when blue ray drives become cheaper it will be possible to iso rip the games and then transfer then to your HDD or stream them over your internal network and play them from there.....also the PS3 games are region free meaning you can play both the japanese and american ps3 games....but i guess like some other person was saying you could just install linux onto the ps3 and play the iso's of any game that you have...

    If you think about what the ps3 comes with out the box you can see that putting together a 360 machine is equal if not more expensive.

    xbox 360 pro = 400
    xbox HD DVD Drive = 200
    xbox wifi adapter = 100
    xbox wireless controllers = 50
    xbox rechargable batteries = 20
    USB memory card reader if u can add one = 10

    Grand total of 780 that is almost the price of a ps3 and game maybe 2....not to mention the entire library of games that are accessible to the PS3

    but what i think it boils down to is the style of games you play...action/first person shoot aka american style of gaming then an xbox

    if you are more the rpg/strategy/thinking then the ps3 is probably your better choice

    and software for the ps3 is very little i'd wait 2 more months or so or at least when the the ps3 starts pumpin out games that are worth playing
    #35 tonkachi, Feb 25, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2007
  16. wchong87

    wchong87 Member

    I'm actually de fans of x-box as they hav my favourite game of all. The dead or alive volleyball. However, i really hate to admit that PS3 is still much more better.
  17. maxxpayne

    maxxpayne Active Member

    out of the two, ill take ps3
    in my opinion, the WIIII!!!
  18. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    there should b a poll
  19. ttl

    ttl Well-Known Member

    xbox360, ps3 over price, over rated
  20. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    I life in Europe, where the PS3 will be introduced on the 23rd of March at a price of 599 EUR.
    But I don't think I will buy one, for the following reasons:
    1. European version is less backwards compatible than other regions, due to the fact that Sony has decided to remove the 'Emotion Engine'-chip. Now PS2 games will be software emulated.
    2. At launch date, there is only the 60GB version available. So there will be only one choice for us Europeans.
    3. I expected a lower price in Europe since we are the last region and have a "slim downed" PS3 (see point 1), But we still pay one of the highest prices for this console.
    4. Games comes with 59 EUR per pop.
    5. Sony screwed us Europeans again.