Do you ppl believe in God?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by imp, Jan 29, 2005.


Do you ppl believe in God?

  1. Yes

    91 vote(s)
  2. No

    66 vote(s)
  3. Not sure

    43 vote(s)
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  1. aussiekid

    aussiekid Well-Known Member

    yes i do believe.. :)
  2. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    I prefer free thinker especially when my dad pass away. My own opinion no offence. I think we use god as an excuse when things dont go the way we want it to be
  3. Luuman

    Luuman Well-Known Member

    I do believe in God and damn scared of it.
  4. nicole

    nicole Well-Known Member

    Believe there is God but don't go to church and all.
  5. dot

    dot Well-Known Member

    i believe there's a god... but religion encompasses a lot more than that, and i dunno if i believe all that...
  6. Dohh_boy

    Dohh_boy Well-Known Member

    Ya I believe in a higher being as well.
  7. mr.downloader

    mr.downloader Member

    i believe in God because God always helps me.Dont you think so?
  8. Dandlax

    Dandlax Member

    How can you believe in God and being scared of it? Isn't that a bit contradictional?
  9. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Maybe not just God, but a Greater Being that created the universe... Something must exist through something so I believe there must be a creator...
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I don't believe in a God, per se, because the God portrayed by many religion canon (namely Christianity and Catholic) resemble a scam to me.
    But I believe in a higher being, who may or may not take a form of human, who may or may not be omnipotent and omnibenevolent.
  11. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    I strongly believe in the existence of not just a "higher being", or some unknown "thing" that created the Earth and everything in it. I believe in God, one God, the creator of all things existent upon the Earth and in the whole Universe. For those that do not believe in god, I feel sorry for, no offense, but I do. I can only assume that you are the type that dislike the thought of having to be accountable to someone as lofty as God. The majority of the World doesn't want to be in subjection to anything or anyone, everyone wants to so-call do their own thing without question.
    However, for those that say such a disdainful comment as "let me see HIM!!!" Who are you so that God would condescend to your sinful level for you to see HIM? And one more thing, it would be physically impossible for you to see God, for HE is a spirit. Kay, prove that HE exist!!! How is it that we as humans have emotions?? We are able to love, to feel happiness, to have a sense of humour, to hate, feel anger, jealousy, empathy, sympathy, and other emotions?? Is it necessary to life?? No. How are we able to see in colour? How are we able to feel, have the sense of touch? Have an appreciation for art and natural beauty?? Are all these things truly necessary for life? Again I will say No. Our sense of smell, and taste, we could have been created to not even enjoy what we eat. To eat is a mechanism to nourish and sustain our life, does having the sense of taste, even having the mental capacity to have a favourite dish, to like and enjoy how something taste yet, dislike how another food may taste, how can this be? Are these features, just barely using the example of the human body, are those necessary for life? No it is not.

    I haven't even mentioned the Universe. Someone earlier mentioned how if we, as in the Earth, were just a little closer to the Sun, the plant-life, all life would perish, the Earth and all things upon it would be scorched due to the intense heat, and also if we were just a little further away from the Sun, the Earth would be too cold and unfit for life, it would be a barren wasteland. The Earth is tilted in a 23 and a half degree angle thus giving us the four seasons. Seasons, that personally, we may enjoy one over another, or enjoy them all, the fact is, are these four seasons necessary for life? No.

    The Earth, the universe, the meteor showers that gloriously light up the sky at night, the gentle, pale, blue light of the moon that I love. Only a heart calloused would not believe in God, for just looking at the capabilities of my body and how the Earth was made, I know that God not only is my creator, but that HE is a loving God that intended me to live and enjoy my life, and even though my life is not perfect, I have to go on my hands and knees and thank God for all that he has giving me.. A person of mere dust.

    Romans 1:20,21
    And that's all I have to say. To those that I may have offended, I apologize, but I meant every word.
    #111 SugaCutie0, Feb 10, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2007
  12. tawthalin

    tawthalin Member

    I believe in god even though I don't worship him much..I mean he is in my heart all the time.
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    You demostrated much convincing logic, however, I must point out that many senses we have, be it a distasteful flavour, foul smell or unpleasant touch, can be boil down to survival in the very beginning -- many of what we define as unpleasant senses are caused by things that will negatively affect our health such as stale food, poisonous or toxic matter, and danger. Much like the pain sensation, it tells us something is wrong and it would be best if we avoid the source of such discomfort. I would call that a mean to maximize chance of survival, but I suspect it has many other name to other people.

    I guess it's just a matter of difference in opinion, but after much philosophical discussion about historical discourse, one cannot be certain that in the grand scheme of things such as the delicate tilt of the earth's axis, distance between the sun, earth and moon, etc being the way it is is the way it was made. To me, human beings are an instantancial occurance in the eternal lapse of time -- it's possible that before the earth tilt to the 23.5 degrees or distance between earth and moon and sun is any different than now, human DID NOT EXIST while the universe does; and quite possibly, after human ceases, the earth may be tilted to another angle and distance between the heavenly bodies different from what we know now.

    Since we as human beings can have no way of proving whether or not we are the accident in the grand scheme of things (for we cannot walk through history any other way the history has already went through), I guess believing that the world is created for humans (suitable for living at the very least) is not dissimilar to medival beliefs such as geocentric school of thoughts -- the universe, unfortunately proved by later scholars, does not revolves around us humans or the earth (no pun intended). To think the world is created to be inhabitable by humans (thus the delicate axis and inter-stellar distance and so on) is to put ourselves as the center of the universe, which I believe we are not, much as the idea prove tempting.

    Me myself hope my reply doesn't offend anyone with harsh phrases.
  14. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    Yes... I do believe god exist... but I am not too sure abt do they actually help us for anything!
  15. _keke_

    _keke_ Well-Known Member

    i belive in carma :p but that is kinda like belive in god or ? o_O
    if u belive in god then if u do something god then he will bring u back something good riight so.. yeaah.. i think i belive in it hehe .: p im not so religious
  16. alessandro

    alessandro New Member

    I do not believe but I do not reject either the possibility of a surprise at the end of my existence, besides, the most important matters on our human condition seem to be those which are intangible (abstract, not palpable), we would be in error to believe only in that which we can see or touch.
  17. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    i totally agree with hiake. but i guess from a different perspective, i would say: for every painting there's a painter.. for every book there's an author.. for every song there's a composer. so who's behind the world? who's behind us.. creation. our Creator of course. the only and only God. who died on the cross for our sins? Jesus. and no matter how many people tell me He doesn't exist, i won't back down. because i can feel Him. how? i don't know. because He loves me and i love Him. even though you may not believe in God or are unsure, i encourage you to just say "God, here i am." and maybe just have a small talk with him. because that's what prayer is. and He loves having conversations with you :)
  18. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    ps. oops! sorry, i meant i agree with SugaCutie0 & would like to question hiake, what kind of God do you see as a scam?
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    The kind that was rumoured to have created human in his image? Consider, being an almighty God as millions (minus me) believe him to be, why is human still so inefficient and full of useless parts? The fact that the higher being (that's your God) is, in a very obscure way, supposedly has a humanly image (otherwise he couldn't create humans like us "in his image" right?) sounded remarkably like a scam -- one of the reasons why he can be so popular (at least in the older times when religion is the bond that holds society together) is that people is only willing to believe something they are familiar with (and hold holy -- themselves).

    Do you think Christianity or Catholic or any Bible reading religion will thrife if the God is in the form of a table? Oh you pray to your table with your problems, you confess your sins -- if you fail, it was meant for you to fail so that you could grow; if you succeed, it's all in God's will? Tell me something that do not resemble "The weather tomorrow is to rain or not to rain" -- when something is CORRECT one way or, its likelihood of being useful or meaningful is close to nil.

    And no, I of course believe in a higher being, just not in the form of this God many preceive, and no way in heck I will believe it is in humanly image.

    BTW, if your God had really created the world as it is, then should the world human preceive (aka, Earth, our solar system, Milky Way) be the centre of the universe? Since this God built the world AROUND humans.
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