what would you do if you died and went to an eternal hell

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by master_g, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    is it really faith that makes us stronger... or is it that we think of faith and give us confidence?
  2. hey Lilydream

    im a christian lol, thats what we do.

    im also not to sure about what you was trying to say, but i think i can answer it by saying, NOBODY is good. accepting Jesus into your life and seeking forgivness for your sins is the only way. through jesus you can be made perfect in God' presence. Human effort is a wast as our history has shown.

    hiake, if ur against religion so much then fine, just seek God, God alone, forget the religion part. Jesus is all you need, put it to the test and youll see. if u wish to remain a skeptic all your life then thats your choice but if you would like to know if there is a God then just ask Jesus to reveal himself to you.

    kdotc, your right, faith makes us stronger.

    nyckeion, not sure about what your question means but true faith in God does make you stronger.
  3. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    i guess that u was christian..but well...

    And sorry i won't accept Jesus into my life because i have already my faith..and this is what is the more important...:D

    to be really serious i think that the hell and the heaven is exactly the same thing..no one between these 2 things is better than another because..into this 2 world u will suffer..not like human suffer in the earth by poverty, or disease or the lack of food..but by the way that eternally u wil leave in the same world and can't discover other stuff like when u was an human...after the life everything will be boring..because do u think that u can spend all ur life to play...or to be burn?
  4. melroseddl1

    melroseddl1 Well-Known Member

    i would craw back on to earth and be a zombie or some sort.
    if i cant do that, then i'll try to kill the devil untill he is scared of me and then point me back to heaven lol
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    either way..i think everyone should have faith in them
  6. Yo itz Trong

    Yo itz Trong Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with everything hiake said.

    In my own opinion, I'm not really a religious person. But I do have a religion. I hate it when people argue to me about why should convert to christianity or catholicism, and not stay a buddhist. I like buddhism for many reasons but I'm not going to start any beef with the religious people. Why am I condemned to hell anyway? Ok...people have told me we're born sinners, they've just given me another reason to be a badass.
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    i came out of my mother's uterus with guns blazing, praising satan and dissing God. I am a born sinner -cool
  8. hehe, some very amusing hollywood action movie type ansewers doing the rounds.
    but as for the serious stuff, God came down in the form of an earthly vessel (Jesus). he suffered for all of us and died for all of us, 3 days later he rose. Of all the holy men of the world, its only Jesus who rose and its only Jesus who cant e found in any tomb. for salvation all you have to do is believe Jesus, accept him into your life and have faith in his resurection.

    how would you feel if you cut a hand off to save your family but they threw it back in your face (not the hand, but what you did for them). God himself put himself in a position to be tormented to take all our sins. yes we are borne in sin but accepting Jesus and asking forgivness for your sins is all you have to do.

    as for those who follow other religions, thats totally up to you, as a christian i will never condemn you for following another religion, i wont consider you lower than anyone else but ill live in hope that you find Jesus one day, thats all i can do.

    Lilydream, as youve got a religion, do u mind telling us what it is?, your 'chicken or egg' answer was the reason i thought you never believe in a god because not once was he mentioned in the creation of a chicken. but maybe i read it wrong so i apologise if i did.

    for those who dont know, we all inherited adam' and eve' nature, which was a sinfull nature after they were tempted by satan.
  9. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    ahah this totally funny then..well to answer to ur question i'm buddhist ..and if my answer was like that about the egg and the chicken it's because that i'm a scientific too that's why the answer that i found out from religion book is not the one that i keep and prefer to use logic and science better....sometimes we have to be open mind...but i believe in god and all the things that go with...but well it's a little hard for me to explain my point of view and everything because english is not my first language... i'm french...
  10. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    and the religious discussion continues...
  11. correct me if im wrong but aint this a Philosophy & Religion forum???? the least i would expect is discussions about religion.

    Lilydream, i understand what ur saying :)
  12. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    what would i do if i end up in hell? hhmm ... i guess where and when there's a break from the torture; me and my frens will have a bbq. i know a few guys that have registered their names in hell; if there is in fact a heaven and hell.
  13. i wonder what ur gonna bbq, i doubt your gona have fresh meat down there.
  14. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    and ppl like u keep complain.........
  15. ^ but yo lilydream, knoc has a point. religious topics arent supposed to be discussed among a multi-religious community. theres BOUND to be religious conflicts. so knocs got a point.

    3 things you dont talk about with different valued persons: politics, religion and sex.

    and btw, act like a buddhist and accept other peoples beliefs. you got your religion, then follow it. no need to start holy wars in this forum.
  16. lol no holy wars on this forum, no conflict and no hate. im a christian and Lilydream is buddhist but i still think he/she is a great person. same goes for everyone else regardles of their beliefe or non beliefe.

    were adults, and so far there have been no bad feelings, i guess the closest thing to conflict is this sentance.
    lets all be mature adults and all will be well :)
  17. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    hehe .. i'm sure there are sinful cows/chickens that will go to hell. look at the movie, Barnyard Animals.
  18. its not a conflict, as i am buddhist myself.

    buddhism dictates that we accept all others as who they are.

    if you thought that was provoking, well it was not in my intentions.

    remember, i am buddhist as well, so its not meant as a conflict starter.
  19. hehe, no worries, just seemed a little harsh what u said to Lilydream but i understand u never mean it in any way. and i guess it was due to my own lack of understanding not knowing the teaching of buddhist or knowing your a buddhist. :)
  20. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    omg..u guys think now that i want to do a war?....

    wow it's unbelievable...

    i don't khnow what to say..because it wasn't my intention...i respect all of ppl point of view and i never to try to change them..i just tell what is mine and now u guys thought that i want to start a war....

    well ..well ..then..next time i won't say anything...because i don't want ppl got wrong about what i trying to say...

    and about the 3 thing...omg this is what i like talk the more with ppl..but well i think it's more because my education...

    and thx master _g .. i think that u are someone who is great too because the way u think it's different compare to other...and u never hide it and from where come ur conviction..this is a really good thing...and i respect that

    but well...i start to be really confusing..and that's why i apologize for that....