what would you do if you died and went to an eternal hell

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by master_g, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Isn't it ironic? as far as I can tell, all religions teaches us to love each other, peace, etc. and everywhere in this world, there are wars fought for centuries in the name of religion.

    Can't ppl just live in peace?
  2. no worries Lilydream. i understand, ive just gone through the same misunderstanding like you just a few minutes ago.

    best thing to do now, not talk about religion, cuz you all are cool people, and we dont want misunderstandings to ruin the coolness do we? ;)
  3. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    but does it have really peace somewhere in this earth?

    i think that even in the heaven peace doesn't exist..but well..maybe i have a lack of information?..or maybe eden is the more peacefull place in this earth?
  4. ^ but see, thats the sort of thing that fuels debate....

    anyways, all im gonna say is that there is peace, and i can prove it... im just not going to say it due to the fact that i dont want to argue..
  5. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    aww why not dann..it will be interestin to khnow where is the peace? because this is one of the question that i never find out a real answer myself..and i'm really interested by that..can it have a world without war? without jealous?...can a world be good at all?
  6. ok i wont go into details, because i have a speech i have to write for tomorrow.. and memorize it.. >_<

    anyways im just going to say very few things

    the peace i was talking about was not physical peace you all have in mind. rather, it is the peace with one self, or in other words, inner peace. by achieving inner peace, only then the peace in which youre talking about will happen.

    example: how do religious locations get their titles as the home of peace, or etc? the leaders of those locations, whether they be christian churches, islam mosques, or buddhist temples are all at peace with themselves. they hold no grudge, thus transferring peaceful thoughts to whoever enters the religious place.

    let me refer to many religious leaders. such leaders include Jesus, Prophet Mohamed, Buddha, and others. these beings are referred to as "Masters". they spread peace by purging the mind of the people from sinful thoughts. by inputing peaceful thoughts, the people will achieve a moment of inner peace in turn, promoting peace to the rest.

    Within the past century, other people, such as the dalai lama, mother theresa, gandhi, are referred to as "saints". they promote the idea of peace through helping others. why is it do you think that when we travel to the highest mountains of Asia for instance, where tibetan monks reside, do we feel relaxed, peaceful, purged of sinful thoughts? it is the environment offered by those monks who learned from masters such as Buddha, that creates the peaceful environment. that is a prime example of peace.

    we, in industrialization, are not able to feel that environment, due to the industrialization itself. that industrialization over shadows the peace givers. we do not realize that we have the power to encourage peace, because we are to occupied by our daily lives.

    im not saying peace does not exist, nor do i say that peace is not obtainable. what im saying is that there is a light of peace that exists, such as religious places. we, as human beings, still have lessons to learn. only after have we learned those lessons, will we reach the light, where eternal peace resides.

    this is one of the essential lessons every single religion in the world tries to teach. we think that religions are different, but in fact, all religions have the SAME root. they get fueled by the SAME set of beliefs. it is only the extremists that molded the difference between religions, by incorporating their extremist interpretations. every religion have those extremists.

    i believe that all religions teach the same lessons. they may have a few slight and negligible differences, but the basics are the same.

    when i hear people argue about religion, it disgusts me to know that they do not know that they are unnecessarily arguing for the same set of common teachings.

    on a side note: if anyone disagrees with me, feel free. it is your opinion, and i will not bother debating with you.

    edit: omg. this has got to be the longest post i have ever written..
  7. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    ahahah thank u very much dann for take time to give me an answer...i really appreciate it...but i have to think first about what u write before say something...and then i don't want to debate but just exchange idea....

    good luck for ur speech ...
  8. ^ thank you.

    and sorry if i sounded like a bitch, but you cannot imagine how much i hate fighting over religion...

    but if you need clarification, ill be more than glad to do so.
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    dan..i need to clarify somehting...y r u bay day
  10. why you asking if im gay? you envy my superior intellect? dont be jealous!
  11. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i was just wondering..was if one time u dropped the soap in the showers at skool and booom..u turned bay day rite there ahahhaha..i heard gay pppl ain't goin to heaven
  12. oh, oh speaking from experience eh? well guess you'll be the only one stuck in hell :/ sucks for you. its nice knowing you.

    and stop talking about homosexuality. theres already a thread for that and you know it. go check it out lol
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I wonder why God is said to be omnibenevolent -- if human is not gratituous to His (or Jesus') sacrifice, in other words not follow nor believe in him, he condemn them in eternal hell. And I though the point of sacrifice is the sacrifice, not the expected gratitude -- if one wanted the sacrifice to be repaid with gratitude, one should never sacrifice in the first place. There's a Chinese proverb -- "Know that gratitude may not be repaid"

    To me, Jesus' death and resurrection was indeed a miracle, if it did happen. However, the meaning of "taking all human sins in his torment and will forgive human if one is willing to believe Him" is totally unfound -- this significance is totally man-made, not that the Canon is not doubtfully man-made... I just think it's a way to guilt-trip human to believe and follow. But that's just me who's skeptical to the Canon.

    *Laughs* so did I. Just in case there is a hell -- I RSVP'd.
  14. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member


    Thanks Dann for the speech. Hope you save some memory space for your speech tomorrow.

    for the most part, religion teaches humans to be good, etc. that's why i don't think there's any right or wrong religion. Just because you are not of a certain religion or denomination does not makes that person a bad person that will go to hell. I think if there is a heaven and hell; it's not the amount of prayers in one religion or denomination that will determine where you go. I think it's the things you do unto others, the things you do for people, the way you live your everyday life.
    Having said that, it is a very sad to see that alot of people and alot of spiritual leaders failed to understand that fact. Maybe you can claim those as cults; but there are very strict followers of Christians that wouldn't even have any relations with you just because you are of different religion or denominations. And it's my personal experience with one church that claims I no longer need my family since I have my new Father (in heaven) and brothers and sisters(church members). I was to severe ties with my family if they don't join the church; supposedly, uncleanse sinners. That may be an isolated case, coz I refuse to believe that's what the Bible teaches. To disown your family. And I'm not criticizing Christians; I was brought up attending Catholic school with morning prayers! The point being, how would you have peace and respect of other religions when there are some religious leaders that believe the only way is through their religion or denominations?
  15. ^ well once again, thats all about interpretation. many people have been teaching wrong interpretations, hence extremists.

    but another fact to consider is that of power. when the europeans first conquered america, they wanted to spread THEIR religion. its all about the hunger for power. much like the crusades.

    this further leads back to human nature. human beings are greedy for power. and greediness is the root of survival..

    so yea, tough stuff.
  16. hey hiake, i aint got long to write cus i got studying to do ill be quick, every human is destined for hell becuse we are all sinful. u cant change being sinfull because it is inherited from adam and eve, its who we are. for us to be able to come back to God, he came down as a perfect human (Jesus) to be sacrificed, that payed the price for our sins. to accept the free offer of salvation we must accept Jesus, accept him into our life and ask forgivness of our sins so that we can partake in his resurection. remember it is not God who condems us to hell but the sins we live in, sin can not be in God' presence, a sinner standing before God is like you standing on the Sun. if you dont believe in sins or that your born into sin then thats your choice but thats how it is.

    God is all loving too but a time will come when all sin will be removed from before him, and if your in sin then u will be removed from him and partake in the punishment that was originally reserved for just Satan and his angels.

    though you wont see it like this, God is so loving that he is making a way for you to see this information right now, its not hidden from you, its just a simple choice YOU have to make. you have chances time and time again but your not willing to seek God, as i said before its totally your choice.

    you have a problem with religion or the canon then fine, but if you dont have a problem with Jesus himself then ask him to reveal himself in your life.
  17. countryboy

    countryboy Well-Known Member

    Pope John Paul II told an audience at the Vatican that:
    "Hell is not a place but a state of mind."
    "rather than a place, Hell indicates the state of those who freely
    and definitely separate themselves from God."

    enough said.
  18. you wanna know something? did you know that during the crusades, those in charge of christianity had to modify a few parts of the real christinaity in order to convince their soldiers that nothing bad will happen to them?

    did you know that during the crusades, religion has totally changed from what it used to be? that was when extremists were born. thus the interpretation is not like what it SHOULD have been. the human being has changed it. and by changing it, it has continued to today.

    and another thing. although i am buddhist, i did go to a christian school, and i do NOT recall learning that all men will go to hell. just curious.. how did you ever come up with such a hypothesis?

    and we can summarize your post into one word: assimilation.

    well said man well said
  19. pope John Paul may say one thing but the bible says another. can pope john paul backup what he says with the bible?, I think not. everything i say to you IS from the bible. Jesus warned us about hell many times and made it clear that it is a real place.

    christianity and roman catholicism are 2 different things, catholicism has its own teaching, rules and scripture.

    to be honest i don’t see what the crusades have to do with what were talking about, they may have claimed to be Christians but they weren’t, what else do they have to do with Christianity. but im aware of them, they may have called themselves Christian but their actions proved otherwise, there reasons for being were they were was obviously not Christian at all. nowhere in the bible does it allow for whatever happened back then but hell is real whether you want to believe it or not.

    When you say they modified a few parts of the ‘real’ Christianity. What do you mean by that? They wrote another bible? I can’t find anywhere in the bible were it advocates what they did. Or was it word of mouth teaching?, what were these modifications by the way?

    Did u know that extremist existed before the crusades? Did u know they existed before Jesus was on earth?

    You said you went to a Christian school which never made you aware of the biblical fact that all those who are not saved through Jesus go to hell. Maybe they never want to burden you with that or maybe you were too young or maybe It wasn’t a very good Christian school. I don’t really know because I wasn’t there. By the way, what did they teach you concerning this topic?

    Once again, everything I say can be backed up by the bible.

    P.S im not sure what your trying to say but are you saying that the Christianity today is a false Christianity created by the crusaders? and the real Christianity says nothing about HAVING to be saved through Jesus so u can be with him in heaven and escape hell?, im curious. Maybe you can shed some light on what the real Christianity was before the crusades.

    Thanks in advance :)
  20. here. im not gonna bother explaining, cuz obviously, i cant summarize months and months of reading into one post.

    and im not gonna bother getting myself in such ridiculous debates. cuz obviously, i said it before. i will not fight over religion. all i said was not made up, hell, it was not even my opinion. go do some reading, and come back and tell me. you read only one source, the bible. go read more sources to back up your claims, THEN come to me and explain to me why im wrong.

    just to clear things up, read my previous posts. what im saying is that all religions are from the same root. the crusades have everything to do with it. it was in the crusades that the majority of the misdirection from christianity and catholicism occured. and that moves onto the fact that the idea of hell was created during that misdirection. in buddhism, there is no hell. in some other religions there is no hell as well. hell is a creation, so when you meant that everybody goes to hell because they are all sinners, i just disagree. thats all.

    do you see me go and and tell you that your school is a crap school? do you see me go and tell you that you learned everything wrong? and that you were too young to understand what was taught to you?

    and i do admit i might be wrong in some aspects, because I AM NOT AN EXPERT.

    i always kept my respect of your beliefs, and i simply INTRODUCED some ideas. i didnt go and slam you down and say that your knowledge is flawed, like you did to me. so if i kept my respect to you, at least do the same.

    you have your beliefs, feel free to follow them. i never stopped you from the beginning.

    see, this is why i effing HATE debating about religion. this is the EXACT situation that i was trying to avoid. you know what? im not gonna bother fighting with those of you who disrespect other peoples beliefs. im only gonna friendly discuss and exchange ideas (like Lilydream said).

    next time, learn to accept other people's beliefs, and stop shooting them down like you shot me.

    oh and just so you know, the majority of my knowledge does not come from my school, but from MONTHS of reading and research. you want to shoot down my ideas? go tell that to the authors. theyre the experts.