Do u wear glasses?^^

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Tundra_RS, Feb 19, 2007.


Do u wear glasses?

  1. Yes

    47 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. Tundra_RS

    Tundra_RS Well-Known Member

    I just wanna know how many people wear glasses:D
    If yes, how much degree do u have?-cool2
    I have : R - 8,25 + 1,75 106°
    L - 7,50 + 2,50 77°
    I know it's freaky strong -down

    I don't wear glasses because of PC or TV!

    When I was born I already got problem with my Eyes.

    It will becomes more and more stronger, because my eyes

    won't stop raising the degree >.<.

    In fact i don't really like wearing glasses. Can't do

    anything about it. -cry2
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^^b I know this is not a bragging thread, but my prescription is -1350 (L) and -1275 (R). I had been wearing glasses since I was primary school, hate it with a passion.
    Contact is like, my saviour.
  3. Tundra_RS

    Tundra_RS Well-Known Member

    Are u sure that u got -1350 (L) and -1275 (R), because it's pretty much!
    Did u know that contact are bad for eyes?
    Hmm I don't thik it's -1350 (L) and -1275 (R) because that's impossible.
    My glasses already cost 400 Euro, if it's -1350 (L) and -1275 (R) it would cost hmm dunno maybe 63 000 euro xD
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i have 25 on my left and like 150 on my right...i only wear glasses during exams or midterms so teacher can see i work hard
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I can assure you I made no mistake in terms of my prescription -- I have yet to meet anyone with a worst prescription than me.
    I can only get glasses in Hong Kong -- in Canada my prescription will only permit those ashtray bottom thick plastic lens! Safety reasons my a$$. If I ever give my current glasses to any person here to examine, they would guess my prescription is around -300-ish.
    Sigh, when even ultra-thin glasses is too heavy, contact lens is the only way.

    Just on the side, a little piece of information, not only is -1350--1275 is possible, Johnson & Johnson's Acuvue 2 offer up to -1200 in contact (which is often equivalent to -1400--1500 for eyeglasses)
    So I can assure you, -1350 - -1275 is possible, at this rate, I will probably have worst vision from now onwards :p
  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    wear glasses ... can't remember my prescription though. i let the optometrist keep track of it and goes see him once a year! hehe ..
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    my oakley corkscrew 4.0's

  8. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    -250 for both.
  9. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Nice glasses, your vision look quite good, judging from the thickness of your lens (I would know :p) I wore wire glasses since primary school until a few years back (around 2000) when I switched to plastic frame since the wire frames are often too filmsy and unsafe for my lens :( I miss the time when plastic frame is not uber-hip like now... feel more cool ;)

    BTW, and I am totally going OT now ^^b -- what O-Chem text is that???
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol its Organic Chemistry by John McMurray 6th edition.... university o-chemistry 240 class for me. i barely use it at all, my prof tends to put everything up on the board that we need and since i keep pretty good notes i dont really need to reference my text much.
    and yeah, my vision is alright, people tend to go 'Oh wow, i can see much better now' when they try my glasses on.. i dont know my actual prescription though
  11. awong04

    awong04 Well-Known Member

    ugh i hate wearing my glasses...
  12. stargurl242

    stargurl242 Well-Known Member

    I have glasses and I only wear them for when I have to read something very far. o_O I have absolutely no idea what the degrees are though.
  13. ctsport

    ctsport Member

    I wear glasses as well but I've never got used to them, once I have some money Iam going to get contacts :D
  14. jnetcube5

    jnetcube5 Well-Known Member

    nope.. i wear contacts.
  15. nescio

    nescio Member

    I'm proud of my Chinese background, so of course I wear glasses. Otherwise I wouldn't fit the profile :D

    R -4,50
    L -5,00

    My tip: buy glasses when you are on vacation in China. Last time i was there I bought my glasses for only 26 euro. -shock (It's is of course just a simple one)
  16. lwmtang

    lwmtang Well-Known Member

    250 degrees in both eyes. I wear both contacts and glasses. Usually more of contacts but occasionally I do wear glasses, in fact I happen to like my pair of glasses ALOT.
  17. rNb99

    rNb99 Well-Known Member

    i do and i've been wearing glasses since i was in high school...but i'm not sure how many degrees though...i think it's definitely 100+
  18. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    Yeah, I wear a pair of glasses since I was abt 15/16.


    Mine - Right - 250 / Left - 300
  19. Me no wear glasses ^^
  20. Tundra_RS

    Tundra_RS Well-Known Member

    Working hard? Looking girls ar xD -bash

    I think I would be the same like, I'm 15 years old I don't know how much I'll have if I'm 18 or 20. Damn I don't wanna think about it! If I take off my glasses i couldn't see anything, I can just see colors to see the text i need to put my eyes 1cm from the text -unsure . That mean if i have -1400--1500 degree I would see a black screen ? -shock

    We are talking about degree not the glasses look xD -noclue

    Who don't hate wearing glasses? Everyone >.<