Look At Bugatti

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by MAIKEL19, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. heartcollector

    heartcollector Well-Known Member

    The Bugatti is a super car that the richest people in the world buy. From our point of views, of course it's not worth the price, but then again, we don't make $500 000 per hour. Your arguments would be more worthwile carved with a stick on the bottom of their shoes after they've accidentally stepped on a pile of dog crap.

    And I don't think the owner gives a crap if some silly kid with a Civic can beat it. The Civic can probably beat a Ferrari too. Just remember that at the end of the day, it's still a Civic.
  2. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    I don't like the look either. the front just looks weird!
  3. Flyingpigs123

    Flyingpigs123 Member

    dude ur so ignorant look at what the original post was about read the whole damn post b4 u criticize other people's comments. You obviously did not read the previous posts, he said that it was a "status car" If a ordinary car like CIVIC can smoke it then obviously its reputation has been ruined and obviously the owner would be embarassed. spending a million dollars on a car just to be beaten by a CIVIC, thats sad and pathetic and how worthless the car really is. So READ EVERYTHING b4 u refute or criticize one's statements or dont say anything at all.
  4. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    1. I DO drive

    2. Like i said this is a purchasable production car, and like you said only the prototypes and concepts will make this car look bad. thats the problem they are only prototypes and concepts because they are not feasible enough to produce....

    3. the cost of most ,if not all, cars over a decent lifetime is more than that of the initial purchase, tax, fuel, insurance, maintanance

    4. Do you think if you stole the mona lisa, it would be easy to sell it on the black market, just cause its illegal and hidden, by no means is it easy. Such an expensive car will be hard to keep secret
    Also what do you think happens when this "stolen" car needs a service or spare parts, down to the local scrapyard/ garage i think not....

    5. funny thing is i did physics and im studying engineering atm. but yes your right a heavier mass does need more force to accelerate. HOWEVER I SAID THE VEYRON WOULD OUTPACE ANY SUPERCAR OURTHERE ATM. This car will absolutely kill any super car you put next to it (let me give you a fact, veyron will reach 100mph in reverse gear faster than the mclaren F1 going forwards), It will even win your 2000 mile race against any car, provided there are enough petrol stations on the way :p

    "Dude it needs the weight in order to keep the car balanced" - when did i ever say it didnt need weight????? plus it has a rear wing to provide extra downforce at low speed. At high speed, the rear wing is retracted as its going so fast the downforce on the body shell is enough

    6. expensive cars are for showing off. go ahead build yourself a plastic car, but im not sure many people will care, maybe when they laugh at you.
    A car can be for racing, thats why this is the fastest production car in the world... its not fast so you can get to the shop in record time, last time i looked many countries highest road speeds are less than a 1/3 of the veyrons top speed. Also super cars are NOT for practical use, if you believe that im not even gonna reply anymore, no super car has practicality included, except your mockup platic super car which im sure will include 5 roomy seats, and a large boot for the shopping

    "One would have send the car back to Vw and tell them to fix it or ask them to send a repairman from Germany to your house which takes $$$ and time, lots of it." Exactly EXPERT repairers. Also im sure if you shelled 800k for a car, VW/bugatti would have no problem sending you a expert repairist. and since you had 800k to begin with, repairs aint gonna be no prob...

    you MIGHT just be able to rice up a civic enough to just about compete with the veyron in a straight line (although $30K is a little small) but that civic would blow up in no time, for example WRC cars are riced to the moon and are only meant to last 2 races before the engine is scraped and sometime they break before even finishing races

    also your $32K civic will have no chance around a track against the veyron...... nuff said

    haha nice how you include my screen name when that has no standing with anything...
  5. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    if you believe a $32k civic can beat a bugatti thats just stupid. The only, and i mean only, possible way for that civic to beat a veyron is in a straight line drag 1/4 mile. And tbh thats crap, any car can go in a straight line, i can rice up any car to do the 1
    /4 mile drag.

    Id like to see your civic beat the veyron in 0-250mph race, around a track, etc, etc, etc basically in a REAL race

    God if i got beat by a civic yeh id be embarrassed, but i would be laughing when i drive home in luxury in the car i just raced and to see you broken down, in a stripped car with nothing but hard bucket seats and a stearing wheel and trying to wrestle with that clutch
  6. Flyingpigs123

    Flyingpigs123 Member

    Lmao, everyone here would not agree with you (do sum research and also, lots of studying). You've been blinded by the publicity and overhyped media attention the car is receiving. The bugatti would breakdown before it finished the 2000 mile race. You probably need an oil change after 50 miles. You know whats a honda? They have proved themselves one of the best and most reliable car manufacturers in the world**** In just within the past 20 years. Bugatti died becuz they sucked b4 and after ww2. The brand is 100 years old and they died after 30 years??? they sold only like 20 cars each year? they werent innovative and basically lagging. omg VW bought it 20 years ago and this is the major car they have developed after 20 years? come on give me a break! VW is known for making the most unreliable and defective cars if you know your history. so before you go on B8tching about how it is ur ideal car, do some reading and learn. In your previous posts, you mislead others and gave wrong information. its okay, i forgive you for your stupidity and ignorance.
    Looks like some1 is falling for ads, pathetic...............-boat

    -scooter <------------- i think this vehicle (no brand) is the best and better than a bugatti
    #26 Flyingpigs123, Feb 23, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2007
  7. HokaHoka

    HokaHoka Well-Known Member

    Anyone Buying For ME ? huauah.... :) it would be HIGHLY Appreciated
  8. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    Haha so you know for a fact everyone would agree with you here and disagree completely with me, I'd like to know how you came to that conclusion. In fact as an indication NOT one person but you has posted id rather have a '97 civic then a veyron

    A bugatti is not my ideal car, but thats not the point here. So I will get swiftly to the point.

    Yes honda are reliable, I know that, thats fine, not disbuting. But lets go back and see your post:

    "I can buy a '97 civic for $2k dollars (NOt GDP) and tune it for $30k and blow the doors off a bugatti and it will still be street legal and a lot quicker than the Bugatti"

    This car will NOT be reliable.... this car will not be quicker than a veyron in anything but a 1/4mile (and thats pushing it) and street legal means nothing when luxuries concerned.
    It will not win any endurance race or real race for that fact against the veyron. So your whole post is technically void because we are not talking about stock civic here......... You are talking about a modified civic.......

    i can see your arguments are not enough because youve lowered yourself enough to use personal attacks lol on my intelligence, etc. But thats ok I dont mind
    #28 dim8sum, Feb 23, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2007
  9. heartcollector

    heartcollector Well-Known Member

    Looks like you can't read either. All my talking about rich people, and how at the end of the day, it's still a civic, is pretty much emphasizing that yes, it's a status car, and the rich owner won't give a crap if a crappy civic beats it.

    Technically speaking, you can mod any car to beat any car. You can say you can build a Civic to smoke a Porsche, a Ferrari, a Skyline, or whatever, but at the end of the day, you still drive a Civic. Even if it's cheaper after the mods, you still drive a Civic. Looks like you're one of those retarded Civic kids who think you're hot sh*t and go around tailgaiting any sports car you see for a race on the streets. I've heard about kids like you.
  10. Flyingpigs123

    Flyingpigs123 Member

    Lmao, sorry i got tru AsiAN Pryde b*tch! R1C3rs are cool so stfu, why are you praising a car that you will never get in ur life or the next? Considering this site is dedicated to AzN culture, I'm just expressing my pride. If you dont like people expressing their respect for their culture, then i suggest you leave since every1 that is on PA enjoys Asian things.
  11. Flyingpigs123

    Flyingpigs123 Member

    i've lowered myself by criticizing your intelligence? lmao you didnt have any to begin with so how can i criticize your intelligence in the first place lol
  12. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    haha nice reply, well done!

    oh btw you did criticize my intellegence before

    "Now im beginning to question ur intellect"
    "i forgive you for your stupidity"

    which makes this sentence

    "so how can i criticize your intelligence in the first place lol"

    useless haha *clap*
  13. heartcollector

    heartcollector Well-Known Member

    I'm not praising it...I don't even want one. I'd much rather have a Ferrari F430 or a Porche 911 GT3. I just rebutting your poor arguments in regards to a Civic better than a Veyron.

    How's liking Civics an expression of pride? Saying it's better than a Veyron is more like an expression of poverty. Sure, it's a cheap reliable, practical car, but that's as far as it goes. If you were comparing it to a Cavalier or Pontiac, then I'd be with you. I have no qualms with Asian cars. In fact, I intend to get an RX7 at some point in my life. But that's besides the point.
  14. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

  15. Jaychouu

    Jaychouu Member

  16. Dragon*D

    Dragon*D Well-Known Member

    absolutely amazing thing and power... in action it can beat a continental train journey over 400miles.. impressive. will never get out dated
  17. shadow85

    shadow85 Well-Known Member

    Yea the Veyron, w16. Really awesome. a v16 would be too big so they put 2 v8's together. The top design is literally a vent for the hot engine.
  18. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    too bad the veyron is impractical in real life situations that is unless you have mounds of cash that are just burning a hole in your pocket and its got no where else to go....otherwise i'd much rather have a F430 or the new 599 GTB from Ferrari.....maybe even the carrera GT if they would make them again

    i wonder how this car handles in comparison to the other stock street legal cars from ferrari lambo and porsche...
  19. giga

    giga Well-Known Member

    i have to say a veyron is almost useless in the states their's no reason to the power when u can never use it, not to say it isnt a GREAT CAR but i think a porsche is more practical that is if u want a supercar
  20. misenlai

    misenlai Well-Known Member

    oh god... sick!!!