Girls, would you prefer to date a guy with/without a car? Do you think it even matters? I drive and I personally don't care whether or not the guy I'm dating has a car, but it seems like a lot of girls out there do care..
With car - I have a car myself, so if I were to date a guy without a car, that means I'd have to be his chauffeur? No thanks.
great question .. i think a car is not necessarily needed >> but an improvement . at least he should noe how to drive ... i'm guy >> so i think that chicks will compare with their friends whether their bf has a good car or not .. true or not ?? at least that is what i think ...
For the ppl I is a requirement to be a bf. Those dumb chicks see the car as a sign of money or something. Yet, it is pretty much impossible for a student to buy a car on their own unless they sell drugs or something.
lol sry girls need 2 get in dis lol i been with my girl for 2yrs, then i finally get a car, she didn't mind at all...daz called real relationship, if y'all want boiz with cars then itz cuz he has a car. my ex dated a fat ugli guy cuz he had a car lol screw her
Even though I don't drive and live up in the suburb (where transit is minimal), I wouldn't mind a guy without a car long as HE doesn't mind I don't have one
i have no car, but i have enough in my pocket to keep a girl happy. no point in having one, parking is a hassle here. yes my gf complains.........
...ermm lol considering that women keep complaining about being 'equal' to men I think its time they start doing so... get yourself a car If we wanted to be a chauffeurs we might as well earn money as a taxi cab driver
honestly tho, being a poor student in university, i have to take the public transport.. it takes you anywhere. and plus, if you take the transit with your bf/gf, its more like in the movies and you spend more time with he/she haha i do drive to school and all, but i try to use the transit so i can drink, and have a girl i can spend more time with. with a car, you get to the girls home too fast, and it sucks.
For me..hrmm..i would perfer CAR...just to see what kind he has...and then he can drive me around..but if he doesn't its'll be more romantic if we both walk the park or on the beach...there's always a bus..hihi...
i prefer a guy with a car i guess it's just because i HATE busses, and prefer not to drive but i wont NOT like him if he is without a car in fact my guy now has no car luckily i have a car so he drives me around in my car ha ha ha but i will say a guy who refuses to drive is a total turn off
^Ah.. so you actually got together with the guy huh? Anyway, speaking from a male point of view, I can safely say that girls prefer guys with cars over guys without cars and it should be damn obvious! It's just a matter of how well each girl can tolerate the guy without a car. I can honestly say that if I was a girl, I'd want a guy that has a car. Heck, I don't wanna be walking to places all the time, it's a pain in the ass and it's not convient at all.
i prefer with car. don't care waht kind of car. that is not the issue. i already HATE public transportation with a passion and then i have to deal with it on dates?! no thanks. but even more importantly then having a car, must have license. i don't care if u drive daddy's or mommy's car as long as u can drive. my aunt is 31 dating this guy (he's 32 i think) and last week they went to the movies--->AND his DAD drove them to the movies. OMFG! seriously, i've had my license since the day i turned 16, and something about a guy not being able to drive is just a turnoff.
I suppose under those circumstances lol its better to have a car for convenience, either person have one, depends on where you live.
OMFG, ur not gonna believe it-->she's marrying the guy. she's been telling the whole world that they are engaged yet she has no ring. i keep telling her to keep her mouth shut until she actually has the damn ring on her finger. that way if sh*t goes down and he leaves, she still has the ring--muahahahaha. pawn it and buy some nice shoes. my family is old school and if he does take off, she's the one left being blamed. she's the one that's "seet diy" and "mo mien" if it does happen. i yell at her, "why say anything until u know for sure? he hasn't proposed, he hasnt gotten a ring", her excuse is "we've talked about it". i swear, i want to smack her. and her friends are all stupid too. none of them are truthful to her at all. they are all like, "no, he will marry u" dumbass friends. last year in like april, she calls me to ask me to be her maid of honour-----for her wedding in 2008!!! she frustrates me. i asked her how she was gonna get to the wedding-->will he bicycle her? or would the subway do? she just laughed at the question. i was being dead serious. if i broought home my bf and he didn't know how to drive, my father would beat his ass.