ROFL. Fu-k how could I forget, girls really do like jerks. Even though most won't openly admit it. All you need to make a girl like you: Be mean. Be funny. Be at least decent looking. Making her to keep liking you is a different story.
It's human nature I think. For instance, a girl would like a guy and pays attention to her because it makes her feel special. But as soon as she turns around, he goes treat another girl the same, of course the first girl won't know. So this same guy will probably go out with the first girl, b.c she thinks she : won the game over the other girl: Jealous thing. At this point she would reject any one except for this guy cause she wants to win. She won;t care if the person really loves her or not What happens: the guy continues to do this, until he finds someone better, or newer to play with, then he dumps the girl. Usually, the girl feels like she has been had, and try to keep the relationship and gets messed up. Is this what u mean>? LOL
Yeah...guys do that... Maybe not all... U think they treat u special... They turn around and treat others exactly the same >.< F**kin A-holes!! -noclue
girls are just asking for it when they go out with assholes. the things that draw them in at first hurt them later... for example, how they are bad boys. at first, it's "ooh, he's so exciting..." then later it's "he never listens to me"
In my circle of friends, the adjective "nice" is only attached to people who are not remarkable. Not "interesting", "knowledgable", "warm-hearted", "sarcastic", "acid-tongued" etc. Because in the end, everyone have some nastiness in them, a "nice" person is like a cardboard cutout, no point of interest about him. Thus in short, a "nice" person is someone we are not very close with, who does not possess a strong personality (that is, not remarkable) so end up we won't go out with them. The Mixed Signal meltdown explains part of the un-attraction too.
Because girls just wanna have fun *Cyndi Lauper but seriously i think girls that keep going out with assholes eventually end up with the nive guys anyways. so it doesn't really matter. oh and one more thing, nice guys treat other people nice and expect others to treat them the same way, which i think is too unrealistic sometimes and puts pressure on people.
well, i realized that girls go for assholes because a: they have confidence b: they know what they want to do c:they know what to say and sometimes girls just cant tell a 'nice guy' from a asshole but they realize it after something bad happens
I guess everyone makes a valid point here. at the end of the day, assholes have mystery and challenge and make a girl feel the thrill of being dominated. It is part of our past times we cannot live without, when woman had no power, but as time changes, a part of woman (NOT SAYING ALL SO NO ONE JUMP ME FOR SAYING THIS!) still want to be dominated and have the man take the the whole boys should ask girls out get my drift? But it's true, assholes have smooth lines or know how to pick up a girl, and it's the air of confidence and look they give off they makes the girls come to them, like a moth to a flame, it's pretty and stuff, but once you touch it, it burns. a hell lot too! Nice guys, well, from personal experience of both, they need to be able to have a dominative and assertive side, if you constantly let the girl have what she wants, like she asks you what you want to do, you say I don't mind, you decide. She has to do everything, she is your GIRLFRIEND. Not your BOYFRIEND. She doesnt want to wear the pants of the relationship. Sure equality and stuff, but still, wheres the whole Tarzan and Jane stuff. Lol. A bit of thrill, a bit of fun, teasing, dominance, assertiveness, and a bit of control could do wonders. WEAR THE PANTS OF THE RELATIONSHIP! lol. Then again, if you have Ms. Independents (from another post on PA lol), you better be able to do all that and keep her interested, or she will definately tell you to let yourself out....
very easy.. assholes tend to act as they r tough. SO end up, the girls will think tat they r dependable and the girls will of coz think tat de assholes r safe to be with. P/S: No offence. I just write base on my experience. CHILL
The question is a rhetorical one 99.9% of time one person will like someone else no matter what the characteristic is. No matter how bad or evil one is there is still a chance , though slim, that s/he has friends. Likewise no matter how wonderful or beautiful one is there is still a chance though slim, that s/he has no friend. As to why a girl likes "asshole"? The reason is that you are not an "asshole" in your definition of an asshole. A girl who likes the so-called "asshole" has probably a much more attractive name for that person. e.g. smart guy, charismatic, exciting, interesting...etc.. As to nice guys are losers? No, "nice guys" have equal chance, if not more, than "bad guys". If there aren't more "nice guys" than "bad guys" the world you live in would not be so good!
according to this one person, i forgot who, he said women secretly like to be dominated, not the dominator.. so if assholes are the dominator then, women like assholes cuz theyre being dominated.. weird.
No wonder why grls liked me back then because i was an ass. Now i'm just mister nice guy.. hmm got me thinking now...
Not like dominated as in everything they do has to be as the guy says, but like i said about the whole (AGAIN NOT EVERYONE APPLIES TO THIS) boy ask the girl out thing, a big number of people still go with that kind of thing, usually guys take the lead... For da guy to be dominative or however it is (i dno if i shud use dat word anymore) then they have abit of control, n control shows reliability n dependability (subconsciously or woteva), it makes a girl feel safe. Then again, girls are usually to drama, we're all drama queens......bad boys/ usually assholes give drama. only thought of that now. lol. woteva....just stating what i had in mind.
my definition of domination means a person who takes the lead lol like world domination, where one person leads the whole world lol