Have you talk with her about this matter? I agreed that long lasting love need contribution from 2 human soul. I advise talk to her about your discomfort and solution is needed. If problem still persist then it's about time to let go and get your live start going again.
i always pamper them since i mean if you really love that special person i mean its just right that you pamper her right... like for instance i love my nephew (not in that way you sick ppl) i would pamper him cause he is a baby and if he likes games or toys i will buy it for him and give him attention same as a girl why do you think another word for spoiling is pampering or babying a person its because girls like that kind of stuff where we guys treat them like kids and give them attention and other things.
sure you could spoil her, but I mean sometimes that isn't the answer. Because if consistently spoil her, and if she's that type of a girl, she'll keep expect more from you so you have to be the judge to how much you pamper or baby her.
haha lil_zumster, i have the same prob like urs with my ex, 1 day i got pissed off and said this to her "its ok if u dont appreciate what i've done, but the least u can do for me in return is stop whining at me"
I have friends in the same situation the guy went after a girl who had a bf, and she ended up leaving her bf for him but the guy was worried about her going back, so he treated her uber GOOD and so after time she got use to it now she's the same way as your girl, she acts spoiled and expects him to pay for EVERYTHING even when she goes shopping and he's not there it bugs the crap to see her like this, because she didn't use to be like this, but she is now "jung whie" i started speaking up to her, (she's one of my closest friends) because she is so used to being spoiled when she is with her BF, she is just expecting to be spoiled at all times so she started asking/commanding(jokingly) our friends, (just little things, nothing big to get mad at, but enough to get a little annoyed) such as "scoop me more rice" "can you carry this for me" (although she if capable) "get me chopsticks" (cause i'm to lazy to get up) (doesn't do the dishes anymore) little selffish and lazy things the reason i really notice these things, is becuase if it was one year ago, she was the one OFFERING to scoop more rice for people, always doing the dishes if people cooked dinner for her/us yup yup yup yup
yeah it does get reli annoying, but wot u should do is 'stand up speak up!' say to her look not like i dont want to please u but just give me sum time i cant keep pleasing u all the time i am trying u no! lol then if she throws another fit at u even worst then u should just let it breath for a while den after while wen she aint always around u den see wot happens otherwise if u keep on spoiling her and do wat eva she wants u will get very tiered and she will always be controlling u if she still keeps on throwing fits at u den it just means shes getting reli b****y. u should let her go!
haha leave man leave...!!! at least ur lucky thoguh... u jsut get yelled at .... my homebois girl when shes mad she doesnt even show it..... then later that night wehn their doing their thing... she be riding him n at the best part when it is about to come to an end...she gets off and goes "now about that problem we had today...." haha now that is bad...... girls are cold hearted sometimes n will try to get as much as they can.... they jsut keep pushing it n pushin it...
^ur freaking me out girl.. ur gay ar? xD but yo u should just dont let her treat u like that.. show that ur a man! show her u can live without her