Is it RACIST to only date inside your race?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Lychee, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. Lychee

    Lychee Well-Known Member

    Do you guys think it's racist if someone says they "prefer" dating within their own race? Me for example, I have a strong perference for Asian guys over any other ethnicity. I was having a discussion about this with a friend the other day, and she says that in a way, I'm being mildly racist because I'm making prejudgments about people due to their race, and being bias towards Asians.

    My argument is that you can't help who or what it is you're attracted to. For example, I've met many good looking white guys, and have been physically attracted to them, but I'll just think they're hot and that's it. It's one thing to look at and recognize something that is physically attractive, and it's another to actually "be attracted" to that person. So overall, it's a feeling that can't be helped, and therefore, I don't consider it racist.

    What do you guys think?
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    like u said its PREFERENCE not racist

    play with other ethnics but date or marry a girl that is canto or viet...or even better mixed =)
  3. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    im mixed, its the ultimate package. ladiez get the best of both worlds right herrrr ;) you can get your fix of 'asianness' without feelin that your being prejudiced against white guys :p
  4. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    lmao [​IMG]

    Hm... I agree with the first statement, not so much the second. [​IMG] I mean, I wouldn't encourage anyone to "play" around with anyone when it comes to relationships because I think it's pretty messed up to toy with people's emotions, regardless of race.

    But yeah, I would consider Lychee's case more like personal preference than racism. However, I think it really depends on the person's reasoning behind why they choose to date a certain race exclusively though. Like if the reason is because they're honestly not physically/emotionally attracted to other ethnicities, then it's okay, but if the reason is because they find other ethnicities inferior to their own, then it becomes a problem, and I'd definitely classify that as racism.
  5. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    well if its only a preference then its not really racist.
    But it is kind of racist if you don't give a potential relationship a chance simply because the person is not asian, thats just narrow minded imo.

    I think people shouldn't really even base their potential partners on race, if you like someone and that person likes you then race shouldn't really matter.

    It's the same with looks, i'm sure most people would say i'm a shallow person if i was to say i only go for hot looking chicks, and don't care about personality, the chemistry etc. Shouldn't really be different with race.

    I myself tend to be attracted to asians but at the same time in the past i have gone for non asians as well, it really depends on the person. But yeah most people prefer their own race because it's easier to relate to each other.
  6. chiehc87

    chiehc87 Well-Known Member

    No, it isn't.

    however, if you date individuals within your only race because you think your race is better than everyone else. that would make you rascist.

    lychee, your response .. is interesting. i would of thought more people are physically attractive to their own ethnic race, but can be 'attracted emotional/relationship-wise' with anyone. as long as that individual has the traits that is appealling and desired in your ideal mate.

    uhm, it is prefence, i suppose. :D
  7. quan

    quan Well-Known Member

    no it aint... wait actually it mite depend on the individual cos their racist and they base their decision entirely on racist thoughts then yes it is racist
  8. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    i agree, its just all a matter of PREFERENCE

    its like u prefer to eat this over this
    u prefer certain brand over another brand
    etc etc

    wonder if u can be racist over food? lolz
  9. gyyr2

    gyyr2 Well-Known Member

    Using the word racist I think, is the wrong way of viewing relationships. As your heart guides you in the matters of love, it could be anyone of any color that you will want to have a relationship with- not necessary love.
    It may be easier to get to know someone of your own race as we already share a common culture and perhaps language. This is why we tend to marry or date with our 'own kind'. Good luck in your search for the right person.
  10. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    another way of thinking of it
    preferance not because of physical looks
    but of personality

    like you can't compare an HK chick to an american girl

    TOOOO different
    you can't take a irish chick to go SingK
    well you could, but the feel is just different
    you can't bring a black girl (not trying to sound racist) to eat korean food with you today, japanese food tommorrow, dimsum on the weekend, for noodle soup after lunch

    even the eating habits, of eating large dinners at night, and no breakfast in the morning doesn't suit well with most americans

    you could say, the style of living is also not compatible with people of a different race
  11. saskuro

    saskuro Active Member

    Totally agree with Smallrinilady.

    The reason why there are still grouped communities in most cities or areas, is because of the differences in behaviour, which is mainly due to culture. Its that simple. Once you have that culture built into you, you will feel more comfortable with that culture as a partner. Its not such much "racist" as it is a product of the your upbringing.
  12. notnice2know

    notnice2know Well-Known Member

    most people only date with their own race coz they get along better im guessing?
    I dont think its even racist as long as you dont hate them for what they are.
  13. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    I don't its racist. Its more of ethnocentrism or ethnic nationalism. But in the end it all comes down to who you feel more comfortable with. Its about oneself and not others.
  14. onelove

    onelove Well-Known Member

    nah it's not racist`` like a glossy apple might look good but you might not eat it if you have a mango in ur hand, and u've been eatin mango all ur life``i prefer to date only asian chicks dats cos i connect with them more`

  15. sansan_55

    sansan_55 Member

    I have dated several mixes. I have to say asian is biggest...
  16. jnetcube5

    jnetcube5 Well-Known Member

    it is definitely not racist!
  17. itzd0pey

    itzd0pey Well-Known Member

    dont think so ;o , the same race is sometimes easier to talk to
  18. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    if it's preference, then i don't think it's racist. you have the right to prefer a certain attributes when it comes to your life partner/date. like me, i cannot bring myself to be attracted to dark skin girls; and it's not about race - i can't date dark skin Asians either. just don't feel the attraction. and i wld date fair skin Caucasian girls.
  19. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member


    I am utterly surprised that this entertainment web site has more threads on racist issues than that most people could tolerate, this is particular alarming behaviour considering some of those who had emigrated from their motherland to live amongst other races raise threads on Mexicans, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese... Please do more threads to build up relationships and not to stir up division.

    Now back to your ( TO LYCHEE) question as to whether one is a racist. The main determining practical factor is the act itself and its effect on others in relation to yourself. Let me illustrate this, you can select or prefer a person from a race group as your friend as this is your personal choice and it only affects you and that person. Furthermore you keep your opinion to yourself so no one gets hurt as a result of choosing or not choosing someone as your friend from a race group. In both cases "the act" is self limiting to yourself only.

    However if you promote people or demote people from a particular race to others (this is the act) then you are influencing the choices that other people make and you use your justification in words as a means by which to discriminate one race from another then this is racism and is not acceptable in the face of humanity as we know it. I.e. You tell someone not to be a friend with a race group because of blah blah blah.

    Likewise you can employ a gardener from a particular race group to do your own garden and this is your own personal preferential choice and furthermore you keep any negative thoughts about other races to yourself or even better not to think about it. On the other hand if you work in a firm to select gardeners to do services work for the public as a business then if you only select certain types of races and bar other from a job then you are a racist. In this act you act on behalf of a company but instead you exercising a personal preference and self bias which is wrong. This is the wrongful act.

    Of course in the purist sense even discrimination arising from personal preference that is limiting to your own self interest is racism. However we need to be practlcal and be pramatic. In law it is near impossible to enforce thoughts in people head. Thank God we do not have thought or mind police as yet!

    In newspaper and media, you can identify racism like this. If there is a thief it is ok to report it as a thief having stolen some goods. However if you insert a race adjective infront of the noun thief this is rascism. E.g. An American thief stolen some goods, A black thief stolen some goods, a white man stolen some goods, a Chinese thief stolen some goods. The fact that this thief is an American, black, white, Chinese has nothing to do with the wrongful act. To add the nationality or race adjective is racism. Likewise saying positive remarks can also imply racism: e.g. I trust xxx race because they are always on time. However in dating adverts you are actually allowed to state a preference and is very common and is acceptable. However if you advertise for a date in a lonely hearts column: I like xxx race only and letter from yyy race will be ignored because they are tight fisted with money....then this is racism as your act has wide ranging effect influencing many!

    So in your specific example as conclusion, you can say to yourself that you like an Asian boy friend above a white boy friend and this is your preference. However if you go round telling people this fact and you add an extra phrase like: because asians are xxx and whites are yyy then you are on a slippery slope of falling a into an abyss as you are beginning to influence others' judgment and the victims will begin to emerge. One you start to discriminate on race you begin to discriminate humanity as a whole.
    #19 surplusletterbox, Mar 9, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2007
  20. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    not rascist, just who your more attracted to, I'm pretty the same, except I've been through all different ethnicities, but in the end, I know that I just prefer to date Oreintal people more. It isn't rasist, you can't help what your body and mind wants.