Asian married asians or... asians married with "gwai loo's "

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by cybertsang, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. cybertsang

    cybertsang Member

    what do you think as example, chinese who lives in the netherlands married with a netherlands people, then their childderen will be a hafl blood human..

    Not discrimination but i self think, chinese people must married chinese people, cause there are many different between asians and european or americans/africans. the culture, language living and food....

    i am a chinese who lives in netherland, but i only goes around with chinese people.

    what do you guys think???
  2. dlj

    dlj Member

    i personally think it doesn't matter as long as they are happy together. Who's to stop them from being together? People should drop the racism. I'm asian, my family is asian. My uncle is married to an Italian, they have two kids, one is 5 and one is 2. And trust me when I say, they are the cutest.
    True, culture is different, but why can't people adapt and find a balance?
  3. shijiko_7

    shijiko_7 Member

    I live in a country where there are more than 3 races live together. TO be honest, it is not a big deal. I have seen Chinese kids who DON't SPEAK chinese although both parents are chinese... at then end of it, it is up to the parents on how to bring up the kid.
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    where i work i always see hot asian woman with white ill at least see 4 couple during an event...damn yellow fever
  5. lucky for you people.. according to my tradition, since i am the heir to my family, i have to marry a full blood, or at least a 3/4 blood vietnamese girl to continue my line...

    but if i wasnt the heir, dude, id marry a chinese girl like theres no tomorrow. sucks..
  6. jnetcube5

    jnetcube5 Well-Known Member

    i'd say do whatever you want. if you like someone your own race then you should go for it. if its someone of another race... it doesn't matter. all that matters is that you two are happy together.
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol cybertsang... i guess u would describe me as a 'half blood human' then. There is nothing wrong with interracial marriage, atleast not in my humble opinion. I can personally attest to the fact, using my biracial authority, that it works out fine.

    However, the fact my dad is north american does make a certain difference... honestly it seems like white people in north america who aren't first generation european immigrants have no culture whatsoever, therefore the effect is pretty minimal when they marry someone with a ton of cultural background, like someone chinese... it just fills the void that most north americans have - culture-wise.

    on another note... gah im so angry, my friend just bought a new Audi RS6 while im still rollin in my poor ass 1990 Integra LS -censored
  8. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    People should marry whomever they like. Who's to say that a European girl can't adapt/assimulate into the Asian culture (or vice versa)? I know tons of white chicks/guys who are into Asian culture, language, living and food. The Asiaphiles. And I don't know where you're from, but here in America, there's white washed Asians left and right.

    I, myself, prefer Asian girls, but it's not because of culture or anything. I'm just not attracted to other races. They don't have the physical features that I find attractive. Mixed Asian girls are hot though.
  9. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    yeah in the end its all down to personal preference
    even if your parents/family say u must do blah blah
    i don't think u need to, its your life and your choice
    as long as your happy with who u want, thats most important

    its just like, we're asian (chinese etc) and we're speaking english
    its the same idea
    if the parents generation are really that picky, they shouldn't have left the country to begin with...

    as long as your happy, thats most important =)
  10. ya ok we get the point that preference rules.

    but it doesnt matter about preference if your tradition wants you to marry a same-blood.

    in fact, i dont mind a viet girl, i like asian girls and all, but my choices are limited to viet girls only.

    my values to my role being the heir to my family is probably higher than my preference..
  11. Chloee

    Chloee Well-Known Member

    I think Asians can marry anyone that they love and feel comfortable with. It doesn't have to be with Chinese with Chinese.

    My family would want me to marry someone that's Chinese since I am Chinese, but I am not. I am currently dating a guy that's Mexican and I love him very much. I do hope one day we'll get married as we planned it out in a few years if we're still together.
  12. Homeless

    Homeless Member

    I don't see why it matters. As for your statement about comment about language, i'm full chinese and cannot speak any other language than english
  13. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i dunno
    i hate when you use the word MUST

    i mean preferance is one thing, but the way you put it is almost like condemming someone if they DONT marry chinese and chinese
  14. lotsofmsg

    lotsofmsg Well-Known Member

    I live in canada and we have everything here.. I have seen many people marrying other ppls of different cultures.
    BUt then again in canada everything is mixed and if u enjoy being with the other person there is no bad thing to marry and date people that u get along with even if the other person might be from any culture. I have many friends from lots of different cultures and we all get along just fine...

    And its a fact mixed babies are the best genetically best children because when two different cultures mix the recessive bad genes don't get expressed and mostly the good genes get expressed so your having a really healthy good baby... when u mix cultures.
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    aiight..ill trade u a chinese girl for a viet girl? lol
  16. NYGirl83

    NYGirl83 Active Member

    I think the most important thing is your own happiness, since you'll be the one living with that other person for the rest of your life. I'm Chinese, but I don't wear my ethnicity on my sleeve since I'd like people to think of me as a person before they think of me by my race. I'm currently dating a Caucasian guy and my family has no problem with that. There are good and bad people in every race, so it's not good to stereotype based on that.
  17. DaoMilk

    DaoMilk Active Member

    Love should overcome all obstacles like race and age..
  18. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    shldn't matter what race as long as both of you are happy. plus, mix blood kids are usually very cute.
  19. DuchSauce

    DuchSauce Well-Known Member

    You should be able to marry whomever you like, but you should also take your family into consideration. Their objections need to be valid though, like, "you can't marry him because he's a highschool drop out who just got out of prison for assaulting his other baby's momma" not, "you can't marry him because he's not Asian"

    Maybe you're just jealous for the "qwai loo's" stealing your Chinese women?

    Hapa girls are really cute too.
  20. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    marry whoever you want man, no biggie. if your happy then thats all that matters. just as long as it's not a huk gwai loo. sorry but it runs in my family, and I don't mean to offend ANYONE i swear, but it's true. My parents will probably disown me if I ever went out with a huk gwai loo. and most you yellows out there should know the feeling too.