this came into my mind in the past week my guy was sleeping on my carpet when we were watching Shrek, because the couch was completely taken up by another friend who fell asleep so i was just sitting next to him on the floor giving him a back rub, watching him sleep than this weekend, a group of us played Big2 (card game) until 4:30AM, and so the two of us crashed (slept overnight) at the friend's place we shared the futon then at dawn, sometimes you would wake up and fall back asleep many times right? well half the time i would wake up i would watch him sleep for a few minutes before i went back to sleep the other half the the time, i would wake up, i would notice he had been watching me sleep so i was wondering if other people did it and more, is this just a "happy lovey dovey, beginning phase of your relationship" than you just dont really do after a few years? or do people who have been together for 10 years still do this? 20 years later? me and him have "ma po" a few time before (shared a bed) and it's just interesting to watch body language you are most vulnerable when you sleep when you sleep with a friend, you usually sleep back to back when he was sharing a bed with a male friend, they ended up sleeping head to toe and even had separate blankets but i notice when he would share a bed with me, he would sleep on his side facing me does that show something?
i did an update about a half hour ago on my old thread
Has there be a temptation for you to give him a kiss when u're at the futon with him? Why not do it? Why not snuggle right up against him? Loving couples still do this type of thing once a while. Usually the look on someone's face when his/she's sleeping brings back some memories as well. At a probably start to wonder what this would be like if he's with you like this every night.
hmm this reminds me of my party... i was hammered, and fell asleep on my bed... and i woke up to see a female friend of mine just sitting on my chair and looking down on me... i just closed my eyes and fell asleep again lol weird haha
watching the person that u truly love sleeping beside u all safe and sound is priceless....while both of u sleep and u kinda wake up for a few seconds..u'll notice they kicked some of the blankets off the bed...u would grab it back and place it over her again....wut's even better is watching them waking up right beside u first thing in the morning....
this was a while ago... but when my friend was looking at me sleep, does that mean she likes me? remember, i was HAMMERED... i was proably too drunk to realize.. also, do help smallrinylady too lol its not just me haha
trying to pull the attention away from yourself huh ANYWAYS, i ADDED an extra ISSUE to get more FEEDbACK it has been added to the first post
Reminds me of most romantic movies-unsure kinda cute though. my personal view is that if he/she is asleep and you 'care' about them, you will not wake him up, but instead silently watching him. It gives you a good warm peacefull feeling. ps: except for little brothers and sisters then, instead you will -noclue
oh oh, not true in my case cause when we use to go visit his brother, and we slept in separate rooms i would crawl into his room in the morning and wake him up (because he told me to, since he doesn't want me to be up and alone by myself in the morning) but after that, when we started to "ma po" if he woke up earlier than me i remember one time, he just started shaking me like crazy ~what the hell~ he said he was revenge for waking him up so many times, so if he was up, i had to be up we would just lie there in bed for hours chatting, waiting for everyone else in the house to wake up
That is cute, looks like you really like him -bigsmile Since you said in your first post: 'i would wake up i would watch him sleep for a few minutes before i went back to sleep.the other half the the time, i would wake up, i would notice he had been watching me sleep' I took that conclusion. And since you 'ma po' I dont think normal people that 'ma po' will watch him/her sleeping for a few minutes. ps:sorry for my crappy english>.<
Not to rain on this parade...but, couldn't it be due to the person's insecurity that they need to watch over their partner while there partner sleeps? I know that sounds totally bad, but if you think about it...most people stop doing that when they get married because by that time (normally) they have total trust in each other and they don't necessarily need to watch over them while they sleep?